Application FAQ's

Please read carefully.
No. We first review applications on a major-blind basis, determining your admission to the Ohio State University. If you are admitted to the University, then your admission to Fisher is considered. We are a direct admit College, meaning if you are admitted into OSU Columbus campus, you are directly admitted into Fisher College of Business.
OSU has rolling admission, students who applied by November 1 (early action deadline) will hear any time between December and the end of January. Students who applied after November 1 will hear end of February through the end of March. Once a student has been accepted into OSU, they will receive notification from Fisher approximately 2 weeks later.
If a student did not mark business on their application to the university, they should contact Admissions after being accepted into OSU. After orientation students will need to complete at least one semester at OSU and meet Current OSU Student criteria to switch.
**International students are not permitted to change majors prior to orientation.
Only one area of specialization is required to fulfill requirements for the BSBA degree. Students are only guaranteed one specialization in a 4-year time frame. Students can only be listed as one specialization at a time on the system and are only able to complete one specialization at a time. Priority seating is given to students in their primary specialization only. Students who choose to pursue a second specialization are not guaranteed enrollment in course work for a second specialization and it may delay a 4-year graduation.
Please contact a business advisor to talk about your options and discuss your individual plan in more detail.
Current Ohio State students can apply to the major program and specialization after completing a certain set of criteria. Please see our current OSU students website for more details.
Freshmen students need to indicate their interest in Honors & Scholars on their application. If you did not indicate Honors or Scholars on the application, you need to contact University Honors & Scholars by December in order to be considered. Students who earn a 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA after their first semester will be invited to apply to University Honors at that time.
SAT or ACT test scores is optional.
- Applicants are encouraged to take the ACT or SAT and submit test scores if they are available, as we believe that standardized test scores provide useful information about a student’s success at Ohio State. The early action deadline is November 1, which allows later test dates to be included in consideration.
- Applicants who have taken the SAT or ACT and feel their scores reflect their abilities should submit them.
- Applicants who do not have scores, had limited opportunities to take the SAT or ACT more than once, or who feel that their scores do not reflect their ability to be successful at Ohio State should select the score waiver option when completing the Common Application.
- Applicants will receive full consideration in the admissions process and in review for scholarships, direct enrollment to their college or school, Honors and Scholars Programs, and the Morrill Scholarship Program even if they are unable or choose not to submit a score.
- Applicants without a test score will be considered for admission to Fisher on a competitive basis using application materials that provides evidence that an applicant is prepared for the academic rigor. This includes grades, academic coursework, participation and performance in advanced courses (e.g., honors courses, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, port-secondary coursework), extracurricular activities, and the student essay(s).
- Applicants who are home-schooled, attend a HS whose transcripts supply narrative or mastery evaluations or attend a non-chartered HS, you will be required to submit SAT or ACT scores. For regional campus applications, submission of a test score is optional but strongly encouraged.