Alumni Testimonials
Coming into OSU as a freshman, I wasn't sure what the right path for me was. I knew I was interested in business, but also felt a strong affinity for science and technology. The IBE program gave me the unique opportunity to explore and grow in both areas of study- through the curriculum and my peers.
The hands-on, MBA-style curriculum of this program truly sets it apart from other undergrad experiences. From Day 1, you're asked to work collaboratively with a cohort of students from different functions, challenged to think with business acumen and a technical eye, and equipped with strategic frameworks and toolkits. IBE rightfully blurs the lines between business and technology, equipping students with well-rounded skill sets that are highly sought after across industries today. 5+ years after graduating, I still find my core experiences and learnings from the IBE program to be highly relevant, and am constantly in awe of the amazing achievements of my cohort peers!
The IBE program was the highlight of my academic experience at The Ohio State University.. The best part of the program was the selection of people. IBE brings together some of the most talented students at the university., students who are ambitious and eager to challenge themselves by working in an interdisciplinary setting. I admired each person in my cohort, but as a whole, we were not competitive, but rather very collaborative, encouraging, and genuinely fun.
Taking classes with that cohort for four years was a privilege, but the curriculum itself was also differentiated. The class format varied widely, from hands-on product development sessions to case-based strategy discussions, providing a very holistic complement to other more typical Ohio State classes.
The dynamic curriculum and exposure to fields such as material science and computer science didn't make me an expert software developer but did teach me how to understand the basics of other technical fields in order to collaborate with people from different disciplines. The program helped me build the foundation to become a strong business and project leader.
Paul d'Hyver is currently pursuing an MBA degree at Harvard Business School.
The Honors Integrated Business & Engineering program challenges the traditional university learning model by allowing its cohort of students to access a range of engineering specialties, computer science skills, and managerial decision-making capabilities.
The program is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to take MBA-styled courses that helped me learn how to have a strategy for my strategy, a lesson that allowed me to develop a mindset that blends analytical problem solving with creativity.
As of a result of the four-year program, I was incredibly prepared for a career in managerial consulting, as my previous experience in IBE prepared me to analyze situations from multiple lenses, present my ideas clearly, and deliver meaningful value to my clients.
Beyond its next-level curriculum, the IBE program cultivated a culture of community. I was able to witness cohort members join forces to create new ground-breaking organizations on campus, be recognized by the University President for their innovative work, and build strong bonds across our cohort - relationships that will certainly lead to business partnerships, career support, and continued friendships.