Classroom Technology

Fisher classrooms have been updated with a variety of technology options to better facilitate online classes.

Here is an overview of the new technology.

We have recorded videos of a short sample lecture from the student's perspective using three different technology options. The first is a traditional lecture captured using the camera at the back of the room. We don't recommend this option because, as the video demonstrates, it can be difficult for students to see the whiteboard. The second and third videos demonstrate the same sample lecture using the Kaptivo whiteboard camera and a Smartboard. We have also created How To videos for the Kaptivo and Smartboard technology.

The most basic option is to lecture as you normally would using the whiteboard and the camera in the back of the room. We don't recommend this option. As you can see from the video, it can be difficult for students to read the whiteboard.

Traditional Room Camera Sample Lecture Demo