In The Headlines
November 10, 2017
Springfield News-Sun
Springfield News-Sun
Could driverless tech mean thousands of Ohio trucking jobs lost?
The technology that’s making autonomous vehicles possible isn’t new, said Tom Goldsby, chair of the Department of Marketing and Logistics at Fisher. Instead, it’s been a process of steady technological improvements over a span of decades.
November 8, 2017
Columbus Business First
Columbus Business First
Columbus, Ohio State seek to expand program helping minority businesses
A group of Ohio State University students helped Michael Watkins better market his electrical contracting business as he gears up to hire an employee and double the jobs he can take on. The city of Columbus is investing $100,000 to figure out how the student program itself can expand to help more than two small businesses at a time.

November 7, 2017
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Veterans provide unique insights as part of resume review
For the second year in a row, undergraduate and graduate students with military experience at Fisher were provided the opportunity to engage with corp

November 6, 2017
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Fisher offering an undergraduate minor in insurance
Developed in response to student and industry demands, The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business will offer a new undergraduate minor in in
November 5, 2017
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal
A reality check on stock-market ‘anomalies’
Lu Zhang and his colleagues, Kewei Hou and Chen Xue have been making waves in the investing community with a paper published earlier this year that challenges much of the research out there about market “anomalies.” They spent nearly three years compiling and replicating 447 market anomalies identified in academic literature.

November 3, 2017
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Global Summit explores workforce development
Presented by the National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM), the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at Fisher and other partners, the 2017 Global Summit event drew experts from across the country to share workforce insights and leading research.

November 1, 2017
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Shenkar recognized internationally for scholarly contributions
Oded Shenkar, professor of management and human resources at Fisher, was recently named the 2018 recipient of the Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award by the International Association for Chinese Management Research.
November 1, 2017
Columbus CEO
Columbus CEO
Seeing Double
Twins, including those with ties to Fisher, capitalize on their unique sibling relationships for entrepreneurial success.
October 30, 2017
International MBAs can still build careers in the United States
Despite the political uncertainty, international MBA grads from Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business are landing jobs at top firms like Amazon, Apple, and IBM.
October 30, 2017
Black Enterprise
Black Enterprise
Your coworkers are not your friends…but maybe they should be
Research by Fisher's Robert Lount and his colleagues suggests that not making friends at work can do more harm than good.
October 26, 2017
Why U.S. manufacturers are turning their attention to 'Reshoring'
Companies around the country are increasingly cashing in on 'reshoring' opportunities. But a study conducted by John Gray, an associate professor of operations at Fisher and two other researchers, examined a litany of reasons for why small to midsize companies had chosen to bring home production.

October 26, 2017
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Risk Institute examines risk in the digital age at Annual Conference
The evolution of risk in a digital age took center stage at The Risk Institute’s fourth Annual Conference at The Ohio State University Fisher College
October 24, 2017
The Conversation
The Conversation
The best way to deal with failure
According to new research by Fisher's Selin Malkoc and her colleagues, the way you respond could determine whether or not you'll repeat the same mistake in the future.

October 24, 2017
Oded Shenkar explains China's economic plans through the decades
CGTN's Mike Walter spoke with Oded Shenkar, professor at Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University on China's economic policy.
October 24, 2017
Why your boss should always let you work alongside your ‘work wife’
Teams of friends get the job done, according to new research from Fisher's Robert Lount and his colleagues.
October 24, 2017
Apprenticeships could narrow the U.S. skills gap
A study conducted this summer by the National Center for the Middle Market at Ohio State University found that 44 percent of mid-market companies said they had difficulty recruiting people who had the skills they needed.

October 23, 2017
The Ohio State University
The Ohio State University
Teams work better with a little help from your friends
Here’s something both you and your boss can agree on: Workplace teams are better when they include your friends. Fisher's Robert Lount and his colleagues analyzed the results of 26 different studies and found that teams composed of friends performed better on some tasks than groups of acquaintances or strangers.

October 20, 2017
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Fisher launches Specialized Master Degree Program in Business Analytics
With data and analytics representing an exciting frontier and untold potential for business, Fisher has launched a Specialized Master of Business degree program in Business Analytics (SMB-A) designed to prepare individuals with analytics skills, techniques and tools to transform data into insights to make better business decisions.
October 18, 2017
WBUR - Boston
WBUR - Boston
Vetting charities when disaster hits
At least $350 million was raised for victims of Hurricane Harvey in the first three weeks after the storm. There have also been questions raised about what the charities do with the donations. Fisher Professor Brian Mittendorf shared his thoughts.
October 12, 2017
Quartz at Work
Quartz at Work
There’s a right way to dwell on failure
Selin Malkoc, a marketing professor at Fisher College of Business, says dwelling isn’t always a waste of energy or a sign of regression.
October 11, 2017
Chicago Booth School of Business
Chicago Booth School of Business
Richard Thaler and the science of people
Fisher Professor Itzhak Ben-David shares his thoughts on Richard Thaler, a professor of behavioral sciences at Booth School of Business and recipient of the 2017 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.

October 11, 2017
How Ohio State is reinventing the MBA experience
On March 20th of this year, Fisher College of Business Dean Anil K. Makhija marched into a conference room filled with 16 members of his faculty and staff to deliver a challenge. Makhija urged the group to pull out a blank sheet of paper and reinvent the school’s full-time MBA curriculum.
October 10, 2017
The 74
The 74
Inside the Ohio program that’s offering aspiring principals training, mentorship — and an MBA
When Jessica Horowitz-Moore graduated from Ohio State University as an education major in 2004, she could not get certified as a teacher until she earned her master’s degree. She wasn’t ready for more school, so she took a job working with children who had emotional-behavioral problems.
October 9, 2017
How midmarket companies attract the best talent
According to a recent report from the National Center for the Middle Market, talent management is the middle market's biggest constraint.

October 9, 2017
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Fisher honors 2017 Alumni Award recipients
Recognizing the incredible impact that alumni have had on business, their communities and at Fisher, five alumni were recently honored at the college’s 2017 Alumni Awards ceremony.