In The Headlines

July 13, 2021
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Finding a home and finding herself: Carmen Lopez-Ramirez
Carmen Lopez-Ramirez shares the inspiring story that ultimately led her to Fisher's Full-Time MBA program and how that is experience is fueling her leadership aspirations.

July 7, 2021
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Fisher teaming with Deloitte Foundation to support diverse students
A scholarship fund created by alumni affiliated with Deloitte, as well as the Deloitte Foundation is helping to advance diverse undergraduate and graduate accounting students and programming at Fisher.

July 7, 2021
Deloitte Foundation backs scholarships for diverse students at The Ohio State University
The Deloitte Foundation, in collaboration with The Ohio State University, has created a need-based scholarship fund to support diverse students pursuing professional services careers at the university’s Max M

July 7, 2021
Grocers' stockpiling may translate into higher costs for shoppers
High labor costs, stockpiling of dry goods and supply shortages could spell higher prices at the checkout lane. Ken Boyer, the Dean's Distinguished Professor of Operations Management at Fisher, explains why the answer for grocers isn't as simple as stocking up on high-demand items.

July 6, 2021
Supply Chain Brain
Supply Chain Brain
Impact of the western U.S. megadrought on food supply chains
Phil Renaud, executive director of The Risk Institute, discusses how the persistent drought in the western U.S. is forcing food supply chains to rethink their sourcing strategies, as well as pursue longer-term initiatives for coping with the effects of climate change.

July 6, 2021
Ticket sales return to help zoos, aquariums pay bills
When zoos and aquariums closed their doors because of COVID-19, the nonprofits still had to cover the cost of feeding and caring for the animals. Brian Mittendorf, the Fisher Designated Professor in Accounting, talks about the alternative ways these facilities generated revenue.

July 2, 2021
2021 MBAs To Watch: Ann Watercutter
Meet Ann Watercutter, who was selected to Poets&Quants' 2021 MBA To Watch list.

July 2, 2021
2021 MBAs To Watch: Kofi Oppong Asumang
Meet Kofi Oppong Asumang, who has been selected to Poets&Quants' 2021 MBA To Watch list.

July 1, 2021
DC Velocity
DC Velocity
The Rainmakers
See why Associate Professor of Marketing Terry Esper was one of eight individuals named to DC Velocity's 2021 Rainmakers list, a collection of leaders who are advancing the logistics and supply chain management profession.

June 30, 2021
Hedge funds making a hot central Ohio housing market even tougher for home buyers
With home appreciation values the highest they’ve ever been, hedge funds and other cash-liquid organizations are looking to expand their portfolio, particularly in non-traditional markets, like Columbus. The size, scale and capitalization of some of these purchasing companies helps mitigate potential downturns in the housing market, says Itzhak Ben-David, the Neil Klatskin Chair in Finance and Real Estate.

June 28, 2021
Furniture Today
Furniture Today
'Consumer-centric' logistics
Terry Esper, associate professor of logistics, details how the past year’s pandemic, social upheaval and competition in the e-marketplace will impact companies’ factory-to-final-mile processes.

June 27, 2021
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal
Move past your jealous feelings at work
Almost everyone feels jealous of a co-worker at some point. Tanya Menon, professor of management and human resources, shares how to work through those emotions and keep them from damaging your career.

June 25, 2021
The Nation
The Nation
Warren Buffett moves to distance himself from Bill Gates
The Oracle of Omaha just resigned from the Gates Foundation. But he’s still on the hook for billions in future donations to the troubled charity. Brian Mittendorf, the Fisher Designated Professor in Accounting and an expert in nonprofits, shares his thoughts on the stability of the Gates Foundation.

June 24, 2021
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Pets, exports and professional growth
Hear from the Fisher students behind a winning idea designed to help a pet food company expand its export efforts into Europe.

June 23, 2021
The Ohio State University
The Ohio State University
People overestimate Black Americans’ chances of economic success
A study by Jesse Walker, assistant professor of marketing, examines Americans' beliefs about poverty and economic disadvantage.
June 21, 2021
US bill to accelerate donor-advised funds could have global impact
A bill introduced in the U.S. Senate earlier this month that would establish deadlines for donor-advised funds to distribute money to charities has divided the philanthropy sector. An issue with the rapid expansion of DAFs is that fund sponsors that see the most growth are built around serving donors, said Brian Mittendorf, the Fisher Designated Professor in Accounting. They make donating assets and maximizing tax deductions easy, but also by their very nature delay delivery of funds to operating charities.

June 17, 2021
The Ohio State University Alumni Association
The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Weaving artistry & enterprise
Women of the Wayuu culture in La Guajira, Colombia, have an advocate with a head for business, a heart for service and a love of fashion. The benefits sparked by Amber Hammond (BSBA '15) are rippling out within their community.

June 16, 2021
Roll Call
Roll Call
Juneteenth to become federal holiday as House sends bill to Biden
Juneteenth has always been a jubilee — a celebration of emancipation, a forgiveness of national sins. Soon, it will be a federal holiday. Chief Diversity Officer Cynthia Turner weighs in on the new holiday and how acceptance of it by businesses might differ from the adoption of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 1986.

June 16, 2021
Companies making Juneteenth a paid holiday say it's the right thing to do
Cynthia Turner, assistant dean of diversity, equity and inclusion and chief diversity officer at Fisher, provides context as to why companies are finding value in making Juneteenth a recognized and celebrated holiday.

June 10, 2021
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Ohio Export Internship Program honored with international award
What happens when you ask, “What if?” That simple question nearly 10 years ago sparked the creation of the Ohio Export Internship Program that has since scaled to include students at colleges and universities across the state and recently was recognized nationally.

June 10, 2021
Here’s why cryptocurrency crashes on weekends
Assistant Professor of Finance Amin Shams explains one reason why cryptocurrency crashes often happen on weekends, volatility that has drawn scrutiny from regulators weighing the future of digital currency.

June 7, 2021
The Lima News
The Lima News
Experts weigh in on Cleveland name change
Last week the Cleveland Indians updated their fans on the research phase of their move to determine a new team name. But those who have been following the saga closely have wondered why the process has dragged on for nearly a year with the very real possibility that a new name won’t be announced until some time 2022. Jesse Walker, an assistant professor of marketing, said the after 105 years of branding, changing a team name isn't a quick switch.

June 7, 2021
The Nation
The Nation
Despite the headlines, the Gates Foundation has evaded scrutiny
Allegations of financial misconduct against Michael Larson, who manages the foundation’s money as well as a portion of Bill and Melinda’s personal wealth, should prompt a closer look. Brian Mittendorf, the Fisher Designated Professor of Accounting, said the organization's structure illustrates the disproportionate influence that just three trustees can have over a $50 billion entity.

June 7, 2021
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Josh Meyer: Daring to leap
As a student, Josh Meyer (BSBA ’13) completed a global internship experience at a small company in Australia. Eight years later, he was promoted to CEO. What’s his secret? Kaizen.

June 4, 2021
Ohio State Insights
Ohio State Insights
Anxious about returning to the office? You’re not alone.
Feeling a little anxious about returning to the workplace now that things are opening back up? Management and human resources expert Jasmine Hu has some answers that can put you more at ease.