Office of Global Business: Semester Exchange

Outbound Students

O-H-I-O in Ireland

Live like a local, not a tourist, as you study in a new country for a semester! With the responsibility to arrange your entire program on your own, this program allows you to plan and create a personalized experience abroad for the more independent and adventurous traveler.

Application Deadline:  AU25 - December 10, 2024 (Application Closed) /  SP26 - March 15, 2025 (Application Open)

Applications will be received online one year in advance and will be admitted on a first come first serve basis. Summer/Autumn exchange application open Sept-Oct, and Spring exchange applications open Dec-Feb.

Select your Location and Apply

Please note that the information on the Semester Exchange Program on this page is subject to change. Meet with your Fisher Academic Advisors in advance, to understand how the exchange program may academically impact your business degrees.


"I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared to study abroad. I was traveling to a completely new country, I didn't know the language, and I didn't know a single person who was going to be there with me. Looking at it now, that was probably the best thing that could have happened to me. It forced me to adapt to new situations and to get out of my comfort zone." - Allison Hoffman, Bocconi University, Italy

"I had never even left the country before so I knew it would be a big challenge. A good challenge, but still a challenge nonetheless. --- There were definitely hiccups along the way, but a student exchange is all about standing on your own two feet and being independent in a new place! --- It sounds cheesy, but studying abroad was definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made. I feel so lucky I got to do it." - Erin Wahlers, Trinity College, Ireland

By going abroad on the Student Exchange Program, you'll are able to:

  • Parttake in a long-term academic program abroad for a deeper country immersion to satisfy the more adventurous traveler and develop as a global citizen with deeper experience in a country/ region abroad.
  • By paying your current OSU tuition, study at top business schools abroad under a new education system to enhance your global business knowledge and awareness as you earn OSU credits at the host institution.
  • Customize your experience to scope out one of your dream career locations, become global business ready, expand your global network, experience the next level of personal growth, or brush up your cultural and language skills. 

Be aware that due to the independent nature of the program, students have more responsibility to coordinate all aspects of exchange arrangements independently.

Notice: Please note that you may NOT contact or apply to the host institution until you have been accepted to the Student Exchange Program through the Fisher College of Business.



Outbound Exchange: Steps After Admission

Global Option in Business

The Semester Student Exchange program fulfills the "Global Experience" requirement for the Global Option in Business, a university approved micro-credential program.