Global Labs
Global Labs are immersive cultural and business tours led by one of our Fisher College of Business faculty experts. These short-term, high intensity programs offer a quick survey of different business specializations and regions of the world. The structured itinerary is ideal for first time travelers and students looking for a short international experience.
Please note that the Global Lab information on this page is subject to change. Due to the evolving nature of the COVID-19 circumstances, all international travel decisions made by leadership at the Fisher College of Business will be informed by the Office of International Affairs and the university. MORE INFO
February 28 Deadline (extended)
Freshman Global Lab (1.5 credits)
Dates: July 31 - August 14, 2021
Prof. Mike Knemeyer
Locations: Hamburg, Berlin, and Bremen, Germany
Program fee: $5,828*
$150 application fee
Fast track your global business education! Complete a business core class (BUSML 3380) in Hamburg, Germany during Summer 2021. As the largest economy in Europe and the top ranking country on the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index, Germany is the perfect location to experience classroom theories in application. Outside of the classroom explore Hamburg – from the Holy Roman Empire to WWII, from sweet Franzbrötchen to the flavors of the local night markets.
View our previously recorded information session. If you have further questions, you can reach out to Keira Williams.
*To reduce the program fee expense, the Fisher Global Grant is now open. If you are a Fisher student with a 3.0 GPA and in good standing with the Office of Student Conduct, you are eligible for a minimum of $1,000 and up to $1,750! This is an increase of $500 across all award levels. Furthermore, admitted students will be eligible for an approximately $200 grant from the Department of Marketing and Logistics. Details will follow admission into the program.
Past Deadlines
Business in Latin America/Panama Global Lab - Virtual
March 3 - April 29, 2021 (Spring Session 2)
Profs. Terry Esper and Steve DeNunzio
Course: BUSADM 2798 – VE01, 1.5 Credits, Wednesdays 2:20PM - 3:50PM
Program fee: None
Application fee: None
Looking for a way to have a global experience without leaving home? Join us for our first ever virtual and FREE Global Lab! This course will count as an elective for logistics and international business majors but is open to all specializations. It will also fulfill the “global experience” requirement for the Global Option in Business. Virtual programs may be eligible for use for a STEP Signature Project. Please contact to confirm.
Business in Latin America has become increasingly important for firms as they strive to compete in today's global business environment. As a growing marketplace that requires unique approaches to market entry and competition, Latin America has captured the attention and interest of higher-level executives.
In this program, we’ll explore a variety of topics including commerce, logistics, finance, accounting, marketing, and human resources. You will also be able to have authentic cultural experiences, as you meet with leaders based in Panama and take part in cultural activities. Possible business “visits” include DHL, Copa Airlines, the Canal Authority, Banistmo, Under Armour, P&G, Surse Pierpoint, the Ministry of Commerce and more.
To enroll: Check the pre-requisites in the schedule of classesThis program is open to students with credit for (or currently enrolled in) BUSFN 3220, BUSML 3250 and/or BUSML 3380 or permission of instructor. Concurrent enrollment during spring semester is acceptable.
You may be able to "enroll" in the class, but receive a warning that it was not added to your schedule (this will happen if you are using the class scheduler). If this happens, enroll without using Schedule Planner and add yourself to the waitlist. Every morning, an advisor will take students off the waitlist and add them to the class until the course is full.
To learn more, you can check out our recorded information session. You can reach out to Keira Williams for any further questions.
Want to know more about the class and about Prof. Terry Esper, the faculty member leading the course? Take a listen to the latest Fisher Link Podcast about The Importance of Having a Global Mindset.
Cancelled Programs
Industry Immersion: Italy (1 credit)
Dates: May 6 - May 15, 2021
Profs. Andrea Prud'homme and Doug Farren
Locations: Padua, Venice, Verona, and Milan, Italy
Program fee: $4,490
$150 application fee
Add a global edge to your Industry Immersion experience in May 2021. Join us for our new cross-functional program in Italy - home to fashion retails giants, leaders of automotive design and construction, dozens of household brands, and a powerhouse middle market. After completing your 1-credit Spring Semester course on campus, travel across Northern Italy, including Venice, Padua, Verona, and Milan. Join us for must-see sites and behind-the-scenes access to companies across Italian industry.
To learn more, you can check out our recorded information session. Please note that the class time has changed to 3:15-4:15pm on Mondays during spring session 2 since this recording was posted. You can reach out to Keira Williams for any further questions.
Sustainable Business Global Lab (1 credit)
Dates: May 1 - May 8, 2021*
Prof. Steven Dickstein
Location: San Jose, Costa Rica
Program fee: $2,994
$150 application fee
Costa Rica represents one of the planet’s most outstanding examples of sustainability systems and practices that support a public and private partnership to a goal of carbon neutrality by 2021. In 1994 Costa Rica added an amendment to its Constitution that declares a right to a healthy environment for all its citizens. At the same time, the government must create the conditions and soft infrastructure to allow economic growth for the increased prosperity of its population. This makes Costa Rica a most attractive destination for Fisher students to explore firsthand how such a partnership can work during May 2021.
To learn more, you can check out our recorded information session. You can reach out to Keira Williams for any further questions.
*Please note that due to the shift in the university's academic calendar, this program will now be departing on May 1, 2021, not April 30, 2021
Could $750-$1,500 help you to pursue a global experience? If you qualify for one of our global programs, you qualify for grant funds! The Fisher Global Grant is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.