Office of Global Business
Ohio Export Internship Program

Jumpstart your career with a meaningful, paid summer internship focused on global trade!  The award-winning Ohio Export Internship Program (OEIP) prepares students with critical skillsets needed to succeed in a career of global trade and commerce.

Build your resume and complete a micro-credential as a Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) at the same time!

This program demonstrates the positive impact of partnerships between the state of Ohio, its universities and private industry. The Ohio State University and the state of Ohio Department of Development initially formed this strategic partnership with the goal to train a global workforce, grow export sales, and create jobs within small to medium-sized Ohio companies. The program has expanded to six academic cohort universities across the state that teach the preparation course for students from over 18 universities. The overall goal is to help close the skills gap between Ohio companies that need employees who know how to export and students from universities across the state of Ohio who have developed those critical global business skills.

The OEIP has succeeded in training students from across the state in the fundamentals of exporting, and by placing them with companies to apply that knowledge in real business challenges, they're making an impact on Ohio's economy!

OEIP Application Closed for 2024

A required course in the Spring semester prepares students to intern with small to mid-size Ohio companies to analyze the company's export readiness and contribute to the development of the company's export strategy. Students apply learning from the course to their internship project scope, and are carefully matched with Ohio companies to complete a 12-week paid summer internship upon successful completion of the course.

Spring Semester Class

  • Required: BUSMHR 4570 Establishing Export Firms (3 Credits)
  • The class features three main parts: guest speakers, student presentations, and a semester-long export consulting project with a real Ohio company. These aspects of the course come together to provide a valuable network of trade professionals, hands-on experience, and unrivaled opportunities to develop confidence and professionalism.
  • Students will also be enrolled in the NASBITE Student Pathway Program in preparation to complete the Certified Global Business Professional micro-credential.
  • BUSMHR 4570 is a closed course and students will be enrolled in the class upon selection to join OEIP. Please leave room in your spring schedule to accommodate this three-credit required course.
  • The course start and end dates reflect Ohio State's spring semester calendar. 
  • Students from other universities are enrolled at their own institutions.

Summer Internship Placement

Students will be carefully evaluated during the spring course and matched with a small to medium-sized Ohio company accordingly.  Students will provide an internship profile with responses that will guide the company placement process.

Students will start their paid internships Mid May through Mid August. Your internship experience includes access to resources provided by the state and federal governments, as well as The Ohio State University. Students are also expected to leverage their relationships with classroom guest speakers, who are subject-matter-experts, and resources shared during the course.

Internships can be in any sector or industry and will focus specifically on international trade efforts.

Ohio Export Internship: Other Program Details

Contact Information

Dominic DiCamillo

Senior Director

Office of Global Business
Mason Hall 226
250 W. Woodruff Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA