Outbound Students

Live like a local, not a tourist, as you study in a new country for a semester! With the responsibility to arrange your entire program on your own, this program allows you to plan and create a personalized experience abroad for the more independent and adventurous traveler.
Application Deadline: AU25 - December 10, 2024 (Application Closed) / SP26 - March 15, 2025 (Application Open)
Applications will be received online one year in advance and will be admitted on a first come first serve basis. Summer/Autumn exchange application open Sept-Oct, and Spring exchange applications open Dec-Feb.
Select your Location and Apply
Please note that the information on the Semester Exchange Program on this page is subject to change. Meet with your Fisher Academic Advisors in advance, to understand how the exchange program may academically impact your business degrees.
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared to study abroad. I was traveling to a completely new country, I didn't know the language, and I didn't know a single person who was going to be there with me. Looking at it now, that was probably the best thing that could have happened to me. It forced me to adapt to new situations and to get out of my comfort zone." - Allison Hoffman, Bocconi University, Italy
"I had never even left the country before so I knew it would be a big challenge. A good challenge, but still a challenge nonetheless. --- There were definitely hiccups along the way, but a student exchange is all about standing on your own two feet and being independent in a new place! --- It sounds cheesy, but studying abroad was definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made. I feel so lucky I got to do it." - Erin Wahlers, Trinity College, Ireland
By going abroad on the Student Exchange Program, you'll are able to:
- Parttake in a long-term academic program abroad for a deeper country immersion to satisfy the more adventurous traveler and develop as a global citizen with deeper experience in a country/ region abroad.
- By paying your current OSU tuition, study at top business schools abroad under a new education system to enhance your global business knowledge and awareness as you earn OSU credits at the host institution.
- Customize your experience to scope out one of your dream career locations, become global business ready, expand your global network, experience the next level of personal growth, or brush up your cultural and language skills.
Be aware that due to the independent nature of the program, students have more responsibility to coordinate all aspects of exchange arrangements independently.
Notice: Please note that you may NOT contact or apply to the host institution until you have been accepted to the Student Exchange Program through the Fisher College of Business.
All applicants must meet the following criteria and must not go abroad on your graduating term. If you end up not meeting the criteria after admitted to the program, you will be dropped from the program at your own cost:
- Be fully admitted as a Fisher undergraduate student.
- Have and maintain a 3.0 or above grade point average to be selected and remain in the program. (3.1 or above for Ireland)
- Completed at least a year of study at Fisher College of Business.
- You must complete the below pre-requisites one full semester before departure. (i.e. By prior Spring term for Autumn exchange and by prior Summer term for Spring exchange).
- ACCTMIS 2200: Introduction To Accounting I
- ACCTMIS 2300: Introduction to Accounting II
- ECON 2001.1: Principles of Microeconomics
- ECON 2002.1: Principles of Macroeconomics
- STAT 1430: Statistics for the Business Sciences
- You have met with your fulltime Fisher Academic Advisor to confirm that your academic standing is eligible for Student Exchange and met to complete the Course Planning Worksheet (link found on right navigation).
- Remain eligible based on the Office of International Affairs eligibility requirements and conditions for participation
Notice: If you wish to participate in the Student Exchange Program in your sophomore spring term, you must meet a different higher eligibility criteria. Contact the exchange coordinator for details.
International Students
- The program does not allow students to go back to their citizenship country as an exchange student (i.e. Chinese citizens to China)
- In order to participate, international students must be able to obtain all required travel visas and confirm their eligibility to return to the U.S. after the program (i.e., a multiple entry visa).
- All international students holding a U.S. visa who are participating in an Office of Global Business (OGB) program and have questions about international travel may schedule an appointment with an Office of International Affairs (OIA) International Student Services advisor.
- Learn: Select your Student Exchange Program location and learn about your specific location including academics, housing, travel arrangements, etc. Select your top three locations.
- Ask: Should you have questions about the program please fill out the Student Interest Form, or visit the Outbound FAQ page. Meet with your Fisher Academic Advisors in advance, to understand how the exchange program may academically impact your business degrees.
- Attend: Come to an Information Session to learn and ask about the program.
- Deadlines: The application deadline varies depending on location and the term you select to go abroad. Check the deadlines on the specific program page. If you are planning to participate in a Student Exchange Program, please note that the application process typically begins ONE ACADEMIC YEAR prior to your intended exchange program term.
- Application: Complete the online application and interview for your selected exchange location. Applications will be received online and will be admitted on a first come first serve basis. Slots are limited for each exchange location and will close once full, so apply early to get into your first choice! On one application, you are able to list up to three exchange locations as your preferred locations. By submitting an application you will be agreeing to the OSU Cancelation Policy and the program Drop Policy (found under "Student Exchange: Steps After Admission" below).
- Funding: Explore various education abroad funding resources.
- Nomination: Receive communication from the program manager about your nomination and next steps moving forward with your program (i.e. orientation, preparations, etc.) You will have to work with the host institution to be fully accepted to your nominated exchange program.
- Orientation Session: There will be a mandatory one credit pre-departure orientation class you will be enrolled in by the office. Failing to successfully complete this class will disqualify you from participating in the Student Exchange Program.
- Travel Arrangements: It is the student's responsibility to prepare their own travel arrangements (passport, visa, flights, housing, insurance, flights, health and safety preparations, etc.) on the Student Exchange Program, so start planning for the arrangements once fully accepted by the host institution.
More details on the process after Nomination can be found in the "Outbound Exchange: Steps After Admission" section below.
Preparing for the Application
Section 1: Applicant Questions Text Fields
Be ready to answer each question below in around 150-200 words on the online application considering the below points:
- What led you to select this particular program?
- How will you prepare yourself for the difference in culture, academics, and so on?
- How will your participation in this program help you reach your personal and academic goals?
- How do you plan to be a good representative of Ohio State ?
Section 2: Exchange Application Questionnaire
- Select your top three exchange locations you are willing to attend.
Section 3: Application Document Uploads
Submit the required documents below in the appropriate upload field on the online application.
- Course Planning Worksheet (Need Fisher Academic Advisor Signature to complete)
- Up-to-date Resume
- Advising Report
Additional Information
- OIA's Application Instruction webpage
- OSU Health and Safety
- OSU International Insurance
- OSU Cancelation Policy
- Funding and Scholarships
- For financial advice contact your student specialist at the Buckeyelink Office
Outbound Exchange: Steps After Admission
You must complete the BUSADM 3760 Exploring Culture in International Environments (1 credit, online class). It is comprised with online course assignments and three synchronous online classes sessions. If you do not complete this course successfully, you will be dropped from the program. Course details will be communicated upon nomination and enrollment into the class.
Host Institution Application
Follow Host Institution instructions to complete their application by their deadlines. Host application deadlines differ per exchange partner. Once you have successfully completed the host application, you will receive a formal acceptance letter from the Host Institution, which is the final step to confirm your participation. The acceptance letter will be needed for following procedures for exchange.
You must follow the Host country's requirements when obtaining your visa. It is strongly advised that you start your visa processing as soon as possible, once you are fully accepted by your Host Institution. Some countries may require you to travel to the host countries' embassy/consulate in the U.S. for interview or conducting biometric screenings, etc.
You must arrange for your own housing for the Student Exchange Program. If your Host Institution offers on-campus accommodations, it is strongly encouraged that students take advantage of this service. Other options students have used in the past include private accommodations, host families, room mating with other exchange students, staying with relatives abroad in the host countries, etc.
International Airfare
International flights to and from the program destination are the responsibility of the student. It is required that you arrive/leave per instructions of the host institution you are attending.
OSU Placeholder Course Enrollment
Check that you are enrolled in 12 OSU credits of the BUSADM 5797 Study at a Foreign Institution course at OSU, as a placeholder for your term abroad.
Abroad Course Enrollment
Work directly with the Host Institution to select and enroll in the courses abroad. Make sure you are following the course selection guidelines and confirm you are enrolled in the required 12 OSU credits worth abroad to avoid any negative impact on financial aid or U.S. visa status.
OIA International Health Insurance
Make sure you receive your mandatory OIA International Health Insurance card before departure. For more information about insurance, please visit OIA's Insurance page.
Drop Policy
If you are selected as a Student Exchange Program participant you must successfully complete the orientation class and fulfill all eligibility requirements for the Student Exchange Program by the given deadline. If you fail to do this, you will be dropped from the program at your own cost.
The Ohio State University does not allow students who have records of felonies and sexual offenses or who are on disciplinary probation or suspension to participate in Ohio State University sponsored programs. In accordance with this policy, all students who have accepted their participation for the Office of Global Business programs will be required to go through a disciplinary check by the Office of Student Conduct. Should this check reveal that you are on disciplinary probation, your application will become nullified and your acceptance rescinded. If you are found on disciplinary probation after you have paid your $150 application fee, the application fee will not be refunded and you will be charged a $200 cancellation fee. This policy is subject to change and you can find the most updated information on OIA's Conditions for Participation page.
Prepare for Departure
It is your responsibility to work independently in securing all required documentation and complete the necessary processes of exchange. If you struggle on visas, resident permits and/or housing, it is recommended that you inform the Exchange Coordinator two months before departure for additional assistance.
A list of exchange preparation items includes, but is not limited to:
- Travel preparation (Passport/ Visa/ Travel Interruption Insurance, etc.)
- Housing arrangements
- International flight
- Health arrangements (Prescriptions/ Disabilities/ Medical services/ Travel consultations/ Health insurance, etc.)
- Course enrollments abroad
- OSU tuition and fee payments
- Notify your bank and credit card companies your travel plans
- Safety research and planning (Local law & regulations/ Safety procedures/ Emergency contacts, etc.)
- Pack for your semester abroad
- Communicate your travel plans with the Exchange Coordinator/OSU
Notice: Use precaution when committing to accommodations abroad. OSU is not responsible for any of the information provided to students, nor for any issues or damages which may result.
Arrival Check-in
Communicate to your contacts back home and the Office of Global Business of your safe arrival at your host country.
Final Course Selections
Send the list of your finalized course list at your host institution to the Office of Global Business as soon as it is finalized. Make sure you are following the course selection guidelines and confirm you are enrolled in the required 12 OSU credits worth abroad. If you end up taking less than 12 OSU credits, or more than 18 OSU credits, this may negatively impact you at Fisher upon return (i.e. extra payments, negative impact on financial aid or U.S. visa status).
Keep Open Communication
- Collect information about transcript dispatch dates.
- If needed, inform the Host Institution and Office of Global Business of your graduation date and request to have your transcript process expedited.
- If needed, request early exam dates to end studies in December (for Autumn semester exchanges only).
Make the Most of Your Time Abroad
- Initiate personal/business/alumni connections abroad.
- Keep a record of your experience abroad to use when job hunting after return. (journals, blogs, etc.)
- Actively engage in the local activities to learn different cultural aspects of life, education, and business in your host country.
Return Check-in
Communicate to your contacts back home and the Office of Global Business of your safe return to the U.S.
Re-Entry Session
You must complete a survey and attend the re-entry session upon return from your exchange program.
Transcript Process
- Send transcripts to be processed by the Office of Global Business.
- Review and respond promptly to the Office of Global Business emails regarding your transcript. Delay of your response will affect efficient grade postings and may result in an account/graduation hold.
- Grades will be posted on Buckeye Link. Check that the grades are posted correctly under the "academics" tab.
Continue to be Global
- Participate in the Global Option in Business program to continue your global education.
- Join the International Business Club or other globally focused student organizations.
- Help update student support materials for exchange.
- Be a global programs ambassador. Encourage peers to go abroad, speak at panel sessions or information sessions, help promote education abroad, etc.
Global Option in Business
The Semester Student Exchange program fulfills the "Global Experience" requirement for the Global Option in Business, a university approved micro-credential program.
The following links are provided as reference when considering education abroad programs:
- OSU Health and Safety
- OSU Supplemental International Insurance
- OSU Cancellation Policy
- Funding and Scholarships
- OSU Parents Page
- OSU Travel Alerts
- OSU Travel to Risk Designated Countries: Any student traveling to study, conduct research or field work, participate in a service learning project or an international program in a risk-designated country must petition the International Travel Policy Committee (ITPC) for approval. More information is provided on the linked website. For further information on the policy and/or the petition process, please contact the Office of Risk Management and Insurance.
External Resources