Office of Global Business
Fisher Global Internships: Virtual

The Fisher Global Internships (FGI): Virtual program is an unpaid remote internship that offers a flexible work schedule with a company tailored to the student’s interests. Participants apply classroom knowledge to the real world through challenging projects and develop strong business communication skills in an intercultural setting. By leveraging partnerships with organizations across the world, students gain a meaningful global internship experience without the international travel costs.

Learn more about this program by watching this Fisher Global Internships 101 video!

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This was a great experience with social listening and data analysis. The greatest part of it was that I was still able to do a global internship and get experience working in a country that’s in the same time zone as me. Argentina’s always been a country that has fascinated me.

Kyle Madura 2020 Virtual Intern, Tonal Media

Global Experience

Fisher Global Internship participants network with diverse global professionals and learn relevant international business etiquette that enhances their ability to work with companies around the world. Interns join a community of Ohio State alumni who have interned with organizations across the globe, learned about major studies in a foreign context, and explored business practices outside of the US. 

Flexible Work Schedule

Virtual internships provide students with the flexibility to create their own schedule, allowing them to take courses or stay involved with student organizations while gaining professional work experience. Interns spend 15-20 hours per week working on meaningful projects and are measured by their impact to the organization rather than their time in the office. 

Affordable & Accessible 

Virtual internships allow students to outsource the internship-hunting process, secure a tailored internship, and expand their network of peers and business professionals. Virtual internships are a fraction of the cost of a traditional in-country internship, and this opportunity is available to all qualified Ohio State students. Additional grant and scholarship funding is also available for participants through the Funding Your Global Experience webpage.

Global Internship Locations

Internship host companies span 12 countries across 6 continents, which include the following regions and countries:

  • Africa: South Africa
  • Asia-Pacific: Australia, Singapore
  • Europe: England, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal
  • South America: Argentina, Uruguay
  • North America: *Chicago

*International Students Only

Jennifer Musser

Program Manager

Office of Global Business
Mason Hall 230A
250 W. Woodruff Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA