Fisher Research and Insights
March 30, 2020
The sages of supply chains are watching in awe: In their words
Michael Knemeyer, professor of logistics at Fisher, says until companies are able to synchronize supply and demand, the current COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be problematic for global supply chains.
March 29, 2020
How supply chains jumped from business school and into our lives
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has placed never-before-seen focus and demand on global supply chains. Michael Knemeyer, professor of logistics at Fisher, says that while the disruption has been unprecedented, supply chains will become more resilient because of lessons learned from the pandemic.
March 10, 2020
Washington Center for Equitable Growth
Washington Center for Equitable Growth
Retool U.S. supply chains to address weaknesses exposed by new coronavirus
John Gray, professor of operations at Fisher, and his colleagues look at the policy solutions to fix the gaping deficiencies in global supply chains revealed anew by new coronavirus.
February 13, 2020
Talk Business & Politics
Talk Business & Politics
Walmart shelves Jet black shopping service, cuts nearly 300 jobs
Two and a half years since Walmart began testing Jet black, its white-glove concierge shopping service dubbed, the retail giant said it will end the service. Fisher's Annibal Sodero says data sets gleaned from a Jet black venture would be rich for a retailer like Walmart.
November 19, 2019
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
There's a Better Way Podcast: Access for all through the power of logistics
Free shipping, one-hour delivery and pick-up in store, are all phrases consumers are seeing more and more. As part of the “There’s a Better Way” podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with Dr. Terry Esper, associate professor of logistics at The Ohio State University, to discuss the recent changes to the field and how it's affecting the way we go about our every day lives.
July 12, 2019
Refrigerated & Frozen Foods
Refrigerated & Frozen Foods
The rise of women in supply chain and logistics
Terry Esper, associate professor of logistics at Fisher, says mentorship and continuous learning can help shrink the gender gap in logistics: “Young women should actively seek out mentors, and the earlier in their career, the better. One of the major concerns that we’ve heard through the annual study of women in the professional ranks is that they’ve often struggled with keeping up with the changing trends in the field. Hence, young women should enter the career with a resolve to stay abreast of the ‘latest and greatest’ through continuous learning and professional organization affiliations.”
July 1, 2019
DC Velocity
DC Velocity
The Rainmakers
See why Tom Goldsby, the Harry T. Mangurian Jr. Foundation Professor and chair of the department of marketing and logistics at Fisher, was the only academic selected to be a part of DC Velocity's 2019 Rainmakers list.
June 28, 2019
Pro Food World
Pro Food World
How companies like Amazon are shifting logistics to a consumer-centric approach
Fisher's Terry Esper discussed the “consumer-centric” supply chain at the WERC Annual Conference for Logistics Professionals in Columbus, saying that 67 percent of business buyers have switched vendors to get a more consumer-like experience, and in the days of Amazon, logistics matters more than it ever has.
June 17, 2019
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
Goldsby honored with lifetime achievement award
For two decades, Tom Goldsby has served the Distribution Business Management Association (DBMA) and provided countless scholarly contributions to the
May 3, 2019
Packaging World
Packaging World
How companies like Amazon are shifting logistics to a consumer-centric approach
Retailers are now expecting supply chain companies to provide consumer-level speed, convenience and flexibility. Terry Esper, associate professor says that 67 percent of business buyers have switched vendors to get a more consumer-like experience, and in the days of Amazon, logistics matters more than it ever has.
March 21, 2019
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
What can we learn from the GrubHub driver?
Thanks to the popularity of delivery services like GrubHub, UberEats and Amazon Prime Now, consumers are influencing companies’ supply chain strategies whether they know it or not.
In his research, Vince Castillo, assistant professor of logistics at Fisher, examined how crowdsourced delivery is impacting the most important — and costly — aspect of the retail supply chain.
In his research, Vince Castillo, assistant professor of logistics at Fisher, examined how crowdsourced delivery is impacting the most important — and costly — aspect of the retail supply chain.
March 19, 2019
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
There's a Better Way Podcast: Retail revolution
As part of the "There's a Better Way" podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with Thomas Goldsby, professor of logistics and the Harry T. Mangurian Jr. Foundation Professor in Business at Fisher, about the retail revolution and how retailers aren't able to survive if they're not willing to adapt to new consumer demands.
March 13, 2019
Supply Chain Quarterly
Supply Chain Quarterly
Can your supply chain relationships affect your company's credit rating?
Is there a link between the perception of a company's supply chain relationships and its credit rating? Research by Fisher's Tom Goldsby, the Harry T. Mangurian Jr. Foundation Professor in Business, Keely Croxton and their colleagues seeks to find out.