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Topics: Leadership
Abusive bosses remain a hurdle for keeping the workplace environment safe and productive
October 2, 2024

Abusive bosses remain a hurdle for keeping the workplace environment safe and productive

Bennett Tepper, the Abramowitz Professor in the Department of Management and Human Resources, shares expertise on workplace bullying ― how and why it happens, and to whom.
Dancers wearing gold suits perform a theatrical number.
September 14, 2024
Financial Times

‘This is not about rooting out a few bad apples’: How bullying became a big issue in film and TV

Research from Fisher's Robert Lount, Jr. and Ben Tepper shows how abusive supervision that was so common in the past doesn't drive positive performance by employees.
An aerial photo of Fisher Hall against a blue sky.
September 11, 2024
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Advancing thought leadership through academic service

Faculty at Fisher have long given back to academia through their service as editors and reviewers of some of the top journals in the world. See the breadth of our faculty thought leadership that is currently serving these academic journals.
Knowing and spotting a toxic leader in your workplace
September 6, 2024

Knowing and spotting a toxic leader in your workplace

Research from Fisher's Robert Lount finds that employees believe a high-performing boss can boost their career, no matter how toxic or negative their boss's behavior can be.
An aerial photo of Fisher's campus showing all five buildings.
July 25, 2024
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Fisher earns AACSB reaccreditation

Fisher College of Business was one of 86 institutions around the world to earn reaccreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The college's Department of Accounting and MIS also completed the process. Reaccreditation ensures greater access to high-quality business education for learners around the world and businesses seeking top talent.
John Gray poses for a headshot in a gray suit and brown and gray striped tie.
July 23, 2024
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Gray accepts role as president of Industry Studies Association

John Gray, the Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Operations at Fisher, is contributing to the scholarly service that is a hallmark of faculty thought leaders at Fisher. He has been named president of the Industry Studies Association (ISA), an organization dedicated to promoting industry studies research and hosting an annual interdisciplinary conference.
Is your boss abusive? Study explains why you may be mistaking toxicity for tough love
July 12, 2024

Is your boss abusive? Study explains why you may be mistaking toxicity for tough love

Do you view your toxic boss as successful? This perspective makes you more likely to label their abuse as “tough love,” according to a new study from Robert Lount, professor of management and human resources, and Bennett Tepper, the Irving Abramowitz Memorial Professor in Management and Human Resources.
Why some abusive bosses get a pass from their employees
July 8, 2024
The Ohio State University

Why some abusive bosses get a pass from their employees

For successful bosses, abuse in the workplace can sometimes be seen as just 'tough love.' New research from Management and Human Resources Professors Robert Lount and Bennett Tepper shows that workers were less likely to show hostility to abusive
Is your husband working from home? Research reveals men are more likely than women to work remotely
June 27, 2024
The Daily Mail

Is your husband working from home? Research reveals men are more likely than women to work remotely

Research by Fisher's Jasmine Hu adds further context to recent findings that American married women are not being afforded the same remote working opportunities as their husbands, and more men are now working remotely from home than women. Hu's research revealed insights into division of labor at home among remote-working men, and women's feelings about spending more time in the office.
Wayne LaPierre leaves a financial mess behind at the NRA − on top of the legal one that landed him in court
January 12, 2024
The Conversation

Wayne LaPierre leaves a financial mess behind at the NRA − on top of the legal one that landed him in court

New York authorities have accused the NRA, Wayne LaPierre and three of his current or former colleagues of squandering millions of dollars the gun group had obtained from its members.
This is exactly when a ‘tough boss’ becomes a toxic leader
December 20, 2023
Fast Company

This is exactly when a ‘tough boss’ becomes a toxic leader

Leaders who consider themselves merely tough bosses must realize that not everyone sees them the same way. Understanding toxic leadership is the first step toward eradicating it, and groundbreaking research by Bennett Tepper, the Abramowitz Memorial Professor and senior associate dean for faculty and research at Fisher, outlines toxic behaviors.
Stock image for leadership
December 12, 2023
U.S. News & World Report

Leadership faces the ‘good kind’ of identity crisis

From strongman to collaborative, experts say what we expect of leaders has changed significantly over time. Timothy Judge, executive director of the Fisher Leadership Initiative and chair of the Department of Management and Human Resources, says the public nature of many leadership positions is driving the recent push for integrity among leaders.
How to cope when your values clash with your co-workers’
October 10, 2023
The Ohio State University

How to cope when your values clash with your co-workers’

Reaping the benefits of a workplace that promotes diversity of experience and perspective can be tricky, especially for those whose values are in the minority. But new research offers a simple way to help ensure these “values minorities” feel more a part of their teams: sharing a little bit about themselves.
Is music the new battleground in the return-to-office wars?
July 18, 2023

Is music the new battleground in the return-to-office wars?

As corporate workers return to their desks, companies are putting more effort into their office soundtracks. How can you stop it from becoming an office battleground? Kate Keeler, assistant professor of management and human resources, says one particular focus should be who gets to choose the office music. 
Academic directors for Global Gateways appointed
March 14, 2023
The Ohio State University

Academic directors for Global Gateways appointed

Jay Anand, the William H. Davis Chair and Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Strategy at Fisher has been named the academic director for the university's India Gateway. As one of three academic directors tasked to gateways in India, China and Brazil, Anand will serve as a part-time senior advisor for the Global Gateways and connect with Ohio State’s 15 colleges and regional campuses to identify new partnership opportunities abroad.
Ohio State professor Angus Fletcher awarded U.S. Army medal for leadership training
March 7, 2023
The Ohio State University

Ohio State professor Angus Fletcher awarded U.S. Army medal for leadership training

What does business education at Fisher have in common with U.S. Army Special Operations training? Angus Fletcher. A professor in The Ohio State University Department of English who also teaches in Fisher's Executive Education program, Fletcher was awarded the U.S. Army’s Public Service Commendation Medal for training special operations personnel in leadership and decision-making skills.
Political ideology plays role in how people view boundaries
February 27, 2023
The Ohio State University

Political ideology plays role in how people view boundaries

A new study by Selin Malkoc, professor of marketing and logistics, may reveal part of the reason why conservatives are more likely than liberals to reject some COVID-19 health measures: They see boundaries as restrictions, as opposed to guidance.
Forget New Year’s resolutions: You need an accountability partner
February 27, 2023

Forget New Year’s resolutions: You need an accountability partner

Professor of Management and Human Resources Howard Klein says resolutions can be supported by an accountability partner, but not just anyone will do. “You want to be dedicated and unwilling to give up on your goal, which is more likely when you share that goal with someone you look up to.”
The gender divide when working from home
February 25, 2023

The gender divide when working from home

As many of us worked from home during the pandemic, it became evident that things were not particularly equal, even among dual-earner couples. "We found that men and women don't have the same experience working from home," said Jasmine Hu, part of the research team that explored gender differences in WFH experiences. "There are still some gendered differences in how they manage their job and family responsibilities."
Good things happen when leaders reflect on their mistakes
January 26, 2023
The Ohio State University

Good things happen when leaders reflect on their mistakes

New research from Management and Human Resources Professor Jasmine Hu finds that leaders reap benefits when they reflect on — and learn from — their mistakes.
Men do less WFH housework, it’s true, but don’t bins count for extra brownie points?
January 24, 2023
The Times

Men do less WFH housework, it’s true, but don’t bins count for extra brownie points?

Men do fewer domestic chores if both they and their wife are working from home, according to research from Fisher's Jasmine Hu.
Working from home is a better deal for husbands than wives, study shows
January 12, 2023

Working from home is a better deal for husbands than wives, study shows

A new study from Professor of Management and Human Resources Jasmine Hu found "gendered differences" in how working husbands and wives experience remote work and flexible schedules.
Remote work for women leads to more household and family tasks than for men
January 5, 2023

Remote work for women leads to more household and family tasks than for men

Unclear roles and blurry work/home distinctions mean women are getting the worse deal from the remote work revolution, according to research from Management and Human Resources Professor Jasmine Hu. 
Couples don’t have the same experience when both work from home
January 3, 2023
The Ohio State University

Couples don’t have the same experience when both work from home

“We found that men and women don’t have the same experience working from home,” said Jasmine Hu, professor of management and human resources and the lead author of a new study that examined gender role differences in China and South Korea. “There are still some gendered differences in how they manage their job and family responsibilities.”
How working from home affects household gender roles, based on a new study
January 3, 2023

How working from home affects household gender roles, based on a new study

A new study from Management and Human Resources Professor Jasmine Hu shows that among dual-earning couples, both men and women completed more family-related tasks when working from home. However, when wives worked from home, husbands performed less housework. This was not the case for wives when their husbands worked from home.

Media contact & inquiry

Joe Arnold | Phone: 614-292-3380 | Email: