Financial Support
Several forms of financial support for your graduate education are available to you on a competitive basis. Virtually all of our students hold a teaching and research associateship or a university fellowship. Each of these forms carries a monthly stipend, plus a full waiver of resident or nonresident tuition and fees. All university fellows, teaching associates, and research associates carry a full-time equivalent course load.
Teaching and Research Associateships
Our students are provided a combination of teaching and research associateships and are paid a very competitive stipend. Both the teaching and research associateships complement your graduate education; we encourage all of our students to accept such appointments during the course of their graduate studies.
University Fellowship
A limited number of university fellowships are available for highly qualified U.S. and international applicants, including those who have already received their master's degrees from other institutions.
External Fellowships and Support
We encourage students to compete for national grants which permit full-time attention to the dissertation during their final year. For example, the Deloitte Foundation Fellowship provides funds for students in their dissertation years.
Additional Support
Funds are available to support travel to research conferences as well as software and data acquisition as needed.