University & Community

The Ohio State University is one of the largest universities in the world. Despite the university's size and the broad range of its activities, faculty members in a particular discipline develop friendly relationships among themselves and with their students. Most classes in our program are small, and all of our students are in residence on a full-time basis.
At Ohio State, you will be using the 16th largest library system in the United States and have computer access to a collection totaling 4.6 million printed volumes and 2.7 million microforms. The business library collection is located at the main library, Thompson Library. It holds collections pertinent to most of the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences, general reference, microform and newspaper collections, and a rare book and manuscript collection. The library system also includes 24 separately housed libraries.
About Columbus
Located near the center of the state, the city of Columbus has over 570,000 residents and a metropolitan area population of 1.4 million. The city offers many of the advantages of a major metropolitan area, including a major airport, excellent restaurants, a symphony, a ballet company, theatres, museums, and art galleries. Despite its size, Columbus still retains much of the charm and simplicity of a small midwestern city, with many attractive residences, schools, and churches. The metropolitan park system, in place for over 100 years, features many bike paths and jogging trails.
Graduate students have several options to live in on-campus apartments close to Fisher's campus, among them are:
Fisher Commons offers an upscale graduate student living-learning environment for select students. The luxury housing is located on the western edge of Ohio State’s campus close to parks, recreation facilities, shopping, and Fisher's campus. The one-of-a-kind community enables students to live, work, and study together while offering on-site activities that complement and enhance classroom learning. Space in Fisher Commons is limited and granted on a first come, first serve basis. Contact Fisher's Graduate Programs Office to inquire about living at Fisher Commons.
Housing in the Neil Avenue Building is available to students who are single or living away from spouses and/or children, and are enrolled in a graduate or professional curriculum at Ohio State. It is located on the southern edge of the Columbus campus, is a five story, air-conditioned residence hall for men and women. Single apartments with kitchens and private baths are available. For more information pertaining to on-campus graduate living, or for a housing application, refer to the University Housing website.
Rooming houses, apartments, and homes provide rental housing for many Ohio State students. The Office of Off-Campus Student Services provides information on available rental units as well as offers a roommate referral service.
The office has information on safety and security, utilities, transportation on campus and in Columbus, campus and community organizations, childcare, voter registration, and various support groups. Students may contact the Office of Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services. This office may also be contacted via phone or surface mail using the following address information:
Office of Off-Campus Student Services
104 East 15th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201