About Fisher
Graduate Student Organizations

Graduate students at Fisher College of Business can join a variety of associations based on business focus areas, service to the community, and other common interests.

Choose from the list below to learn more about Fisher graduate student organizations.

Program Councils

Student Organizations

Association of Marketing Professionals

AMP aims to develop and prepare students for careers in marketing by providing members with the support, knowledge and guidance necessary to become leaders in the field of marketing.

Black MBA Association

The Black MBA Association (BMBAA) builds leaders that shape business and the community through diversity and inclusion by bringing awareness of issues facing black professionals and other underrepresented groups in business<.

Chinese Business Professional Association

CBPA acts as a business community between China and other countries, and a social community for people who are interested in China.

Fisher Board Fellows

FBF brings together the Columbus community and select Fisher MBA candidates through placement on the boards of area non-profits as non-voting Fellows.

Fisher Consulting and Strategy Club

A partnership and convergence of knowledge between emerging consultants and Career Management driven by student Fisher Consulting and Strategy Club leadership.

Fisher Entrepreneurship Association

The FEA provides current Fisher graduate students with both the educational building blocks and the networking connections necessary to be successful as entrepreneurs, investors in entrepreneurs and professionals tasked with executing innovative strategies within existing organizations.

Fisher Follies

Fisher Follies is a spectacular annual spring production featuring a dizzying array of humorous skits, videos and musical numbers created to poke good fun at ourselves after a year of taking ourselves way too seriously.

Fisher Graduate Finance Association

The Fisher Graduate Finance Association strives to create a community for all graduate students interested in finance.

Fisher Graduate Networking Club

The Fisher Graduate Networking Club is a networking group for Fisher Graduate students of various backgrounds and majors. Every month, we will come together to network and socialize in an informal setting off campus.

Fisher Graduate Women in Business

FGWIB acts as a forum to discuss and address issues relevant to women in business and build awareness of women in leadership positions.

Fisher Healthcare Association

The Fisher Healthcare Association is designed for Fisher graduate students interested in the business of healthcare as a possible career path.

Fisher Indian Students Association

FISA provides a platform to introduce Indian culture to Fisher and for Indian students to connect among themselves, with Fisher alumni and the local business community.

Fisher International Graduate Students Association

FIGSA aims to provide a safe and welcoming environment for international graduate business students. We are here to support international students through times of change and provide resources for an easier transition into the United States. On top of that, we aim to provide the opportunity for international students to connect with American Fisher students to help expand both their networking circle.

Fisher Latino Graduate Association

The Fisher Latino Graduate Association (FLGA) serves to increase the profile and opportunities for Latino students at Fisher.


Fisher Real Estate Society

FRES was created to promote careers in the real estate industry and to foster real estate academic programming at Fisher.


FisherServes is committed to promoting awareness of civic and social responsibilities and to connecting Fisher College of Business with the surrounding community by leading service-based initiatives.

Fisher Spirits

Fisher Spirits is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to foster a forum related to the marketing, manufacturing, and distribution within the alcoholic beverages industry. Fisher Spirits assists members in connecting with local industry leaders and providing onsite tours.

Fisher Sports Business Association

The Fisher Sports Business Association is focused on providing Fisher students a link to the sports and business worlds, both in networking opportunities and in educational events.

Fisher Veterans Association

Fisher Veterans Association provides resources to veterans in the Fisher Graduate School, focusing first on a successful transition into academia and ultimately on leveraging their unique skills through networking to find a career path that suits their interest.

Global Business Association


The GBA is designed to be a fun and informative group that prepares students to succeed in the global business environment.

Innovation Fisher

IF is a graduate-level student organization where members are offered exposure to real world application of innovation practice, theory, and methodologies to complement Fisher innovation curriculum.

Net Impact

To inspire, educate, and equip individuals to use the power of business to create a more socially and environmentally sustainable world.

Operations and Logistics Management Association

OLMA is a forum for MBA students interested in Operations, Supply Chain, Logistics and related fields.

Out of Office

Out of Office provides Fisher College of Business students who identify as LGBTQ and our allies a supportive community, an opportunity to network with business professionals from Columbus companies and their respective affinity groups, and leadership opportunities.


Are you interested in starting your own organization?

Graduate students have formed groups based on other common interests like those listed above, including special industries, various faiths, family support, hobbies, fitness and advocacy. You can too. Learn more about registering a new organization.