International Business Minor

The International Business minor is designed to complement a student's major studies with a deeper understanding of how the global economy works, to develop a greater appreciation of business opportunities and risks associated with a more interconnected world, and to prepare students for working in cross-national settings.
Curriculum Requirements
BUSMHR 2000 – Introduction to International Business
- Credits: 1.5, Prerequisites: ECON 2001 or equivalent and ECON 2002 or equivalent
- This course provides basic coverage of world trade and investment problems, and introduction to multinational corporation strategies and the various types of environments in which they do business.
BUSMHR 4010 – International Business Strategies
- Credits: 1.5; Prerequisite: BUSMHR 2000
- This course highlights how firms make decisions to go abroad, select among foreign markets, and develop international strategies to enhance their profitability and long-term competitive advantage. It will also highlight economic and political risks of international business and discuss ways that firms can mitigate these risks.
BUSMHR 4020 – Cross-Cultural Management
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: BUSMHR 2000
- Basic elements of culture and its impact upon business. The course will address differences in attitudes, values and beliefs among different peoples around the world both through general frameworks and also by exploring specific countries.
BUSMHR 4021 – Institutions of the International Business Environment
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: BUSMHR 2000
- Major international institutions and the role they play in international business and commerce
An additional 6 hours of credit is required – courses may be taken from offerings from within the college and/or university.
Fisher College of Business students may choose from:
BUSFIN 3250, 4250 (FINANCE specialization students only); BUSOBA 4237, 4263; BUSMHR 4023, 4321; BUSML 4254; AEDECON 4535, 4540; ECON 4130, 4560; GEOG 5700; INTSTDS 4195, 4850; POLITSC 4310, 4910; SPANISH 5640
The international business faculty from the Management and Human Resources department of the Fisher College of Business will advise students on any other courses that can fulfill the requirement of this minor. Contact Professor Mona Makhija ( to discuss course options. Courses must have an international/global focus.
Note: Foreign language courses will not count as elective hours for the International Business minor.
How do I apply for the International Business Minor?
There is no application process for the International Business Minor. You should inform your college advisor of your intentions to complete the minor. In addition, you can discuss your interest in the International Business Minor with a business advisor at (614) 292-2715.
Who approves my International Business Minor?
There is no formal approval process required by Fisher College of Business. As long as you have met the course requirements your college can approve your minor. An approved program form can be provided if your college requires it. You can obtain this from a Fisher undergraduate advisor. Call (614) 292-2715 for an appointment.
I am majoring/ intending to major in business. Can I use minor courses for major requirements?
No. Minor courses do not count toward any business core or specialization requirement (other than free electives) or as prerequisites for further study in business.
Can I use International Business Minor courses in my major?
Generally, no, unless your college specifically permits it. Please contact your college advisor for information.
What grade do I need to earn for a course to count in the minor?
You must earn a C- or better for a course to be listed on the minor. You must earn a 2.00 cumulative point-hour ratio in your minor courses.
Can I take a minor course pass/non-pass?
No. Courses taken Pass/Non-Pass cannot count on the International Business Minor.
Can I use foreign languages course work in the International Business Minor?
No. Foreign language courses cannot be used in the International Business Minor.
Can I use International Business Minor courses in another minor?
Each minor must contain at least 12 unique hours.
What are the required courses for the International Business Minor?
Four core courses totaling nine credit hours are required:
- BUSMHR 2000 – Introduction to International Business
- BUSMHR 4010 – International Business Strategies
- BUSMHR 4020 – Cross-Cultural Management
- BUSMHR 4021 – Institutions of the International Business Environment
An additional six credit hours are required in elective courses. These elective courses are available in multiple areas, including Finance, Marketing, Operations Management, Communications, Economics, International Studies, Political Science, Sociology, History, Geography, and Agricultural Environment, Development, and Economics.
Do I have to take the minor courses in a specific order?
Yes. BUSMHR 2000 should be taken first after the prerequisites (ECON 2001 and 2002), followed by BUSMHR 4010, 4020, and 4021.
What are the prerequisites for the International Business Minor?
- Prerequisites for BUSMHR 2000: ECON 2001 and 2002 or equivalent
- Prerequisites for BUSMHR 4010, 4020, and 4021: BUSMHR 2000
Can I start taking minor courses before I complete the prerequisites?
No. All prerequisites must be taken prior to minor courses.
Can I substitute a different business course for one of the required elective courses?
Yes. However, the proposed course must have an international/global focus and must be approved by an international business faculty member in the Management and Human Resources department in Fisher College of Business. Contact Professor Mona Makhija ( to discuss course options.
Can I apply transfer credit to fulfill minor courses?
A maximum of 6 hours of transfer credit for equivalent courses may count toward the minor.