Business Analytics Minor

Designed with extensive input from industry interested in hiring individuals to work with “big data,” the Business Analytics Minor is an opportunity for students across disciplines to complement their major with skills in this fast-growing and important field.
What is Business Analytics?
Business analytics is the process of transforming data into insights for better business decisions. The Business Analytics Minor provides an understanding of how to extract patterns to predict behavior and other business outcomes as well as the ability to make informed decisions using a data-driven approach. A three-stage framework is used to build these skills:
Learning Objectives
- Demonstrate an understanding of how data acquisition and analysis is done in organizations to meet a specified set of objectives
- Demonstrate critical thinking associated with: problem identification, decision making, assessing value propositions supported by data, and generating a logical synthesis of information from data
- Demonstrate an understanding of and ability to detect patterns in data, draw inferences and conclusions supported by the data, and communicate insights through visualization and written reporting
- Identify and assess ethical issues surrounding data-informed decision making
Curriculum Requirements
The Business Analytics Minor consists of 15 credit hours, including nine hours of required courses and six hours of elective courses.
BUSOBA 3331 -- Business Analytics: Data Management & Descriptive Analytics
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: ECON 2001.01 or equivalent; ECON 2002.02 or equivalent; and CSE 2111 or equivalent; Prerequisite or concurrent: Math 1152 or equivalent
- This course will provide students with an understanding of how organizations can successfully collect, organize, manipulate, use, prospect and present data.
BUSOBA 3332 -- Business Analytics: Application of Predictive Analytics to Business Data
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: ECON 2001.01 or equivalent; ECON 2002.01 or equivalent; CSE 2111 or equivalent; STAT 3202 or BUSOBA 2320 and 2321
- Students will learn in a hands-on manner how to build and test predictive models that move from data to parameter estimation. State-of-the-art software will be used to detect patterns in data and draw inferences and conclusions supported by the data
BUSOBA 3333 -- Business Analytics: Prescriptive Analytics and Optimization
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: ECON 2001.01 or equivalent; ECON 2002.01 or equivalent; CSE 2111 or equivalent; STAT 3202 or BUSOBA 2320 and 2321
- Students in this course will learn how to move from model parameters to decisions. An emphasis is placed on optimization business decisions that include: allocation of resources, profit and loss functions, counterfactual analysis, etc. Simulation methods, causal inference, and sampling issues will be discussed.
Elective Courses
Business Analytics Industry Cluster
BUSADM 3630.05 -- Introduction to Business Analytics: Defining & Applying “Big Data”
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: enrollment in Business Industry Immersion Program, or permission of instructor
- This course will familiarize students with the concept of data analytics and its applicability in a business environment.
BUSADM 3632.05 -- Introduction to Business Analytics: Design and Development of Business Analytics Solutions
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: BUSADM 3630.05 and enrollment in Business Industry Immersion Program
- Students will continue to learn topics in business analytics while they work on industry-sponsored projects in teams.
Data Mining
ACCTMIS 4210 -- Financial Statement Analysis
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: ACCTMIS 3201
- This course will focus on contemporary topics in financial accounting and analysis.
ACCTMIS 4620 -- Analysis and Design of Management Information Systems
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: CSE 3232; BUSOBA 2320, 2321 or STAT 3201/3202
- Investigation and application, through real-world projects, of concepts and tools used in the analysis and design of management information systems.
ACCTMIS 4640 -- Accounting Data and Anayltics
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: ACCTMIS 3200
- Course prepares students to think critically, ask the right accounting questions, know where to access enterprise data and analyze data; Consistently references Bloom's taxonomy and the AMPS model. Course emphasizes four types of data analytics - descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive - and how each can be used to address accounting questions.
ACCTMIS 4650 -- Decision Support and Expert Systems
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: CSE 3232; BSUSOBA 2320, 2321 or STAT 3201/3202
- Study of computer-based systems designed to support decision making within an organization.
CSE 3241 -- Introduction to Database Systems
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: CSE 2133 or CSE 2231; and CSE 2321 or MATH 2366; not open to students with credit for 5241
- Database systems use, logical design, entity-relationship model, normalization, query languages and SQL, relational algebra and calculus, object relational databases, XML, active databases; database design project.
CSE 5243 -- Introduction to Data Mining
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: CSE 2331 and CSE 3241
- Knowledge discovery, data mining, data preprocessing, data transformations; clustering, classification, frequent pattern mining, anomaly detection, graph and network analysis; applications.
Customer Insights & Analytics
BUSML 4202 -- Marketing Research
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: BUSML 3250; BUSOBA 2320, 2321 or STAT 3201/3202
- Course examines the role of marketing research in the formulation and solution of marketing problems. Emphasis is placed on problem formulation, research design, data collection methods (instruments, sampling, operations) and analysis techniques.
BUSML 4210 -- Advanced Marketing Research
- Credits: 1.5; Prerequisites: BUSML 4201 and BUSML 4202
- Applications of modern marketing research procedures to variety of marketing problems. Emphasis placed on survey design and sampling, attitude measurement, perceptual mapping, market segmentation, conjoint analysis and measurement of customer satisfaction.
BUSML 4211 -- Market Analysis, Development & Forecasting
- Credits: 1.5; Prerequisites: BUSML 4201 and BUSML 4202
- Before a new product can be launched, or new customers targeted, a firm must assess the size and demand for an offering. Methods used to forecast consumer behavior, market share, and sales (for production and inventory control) will be examined.
BUSML 4212 -- Customer Relationship Management
- Credits: 1.5; Prerequisites: BUSML 4201 and BUSML 4202
- Examines the theories of methods used to identify profitable customers, understand their needs and wants, and how to build a bond with them by developing customer-centric products and services directed toward providing customer value.
BUSML 4232 -- Digital Marketing
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: BUSML 4201 and BUSML 4202
- This course examines how marketers can utilize emerging media (electronic, online, social, and mobile) to promote customer engagement, enhance their traditional marketing mix, and measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts.
BUSML 4382 - Logistics & Supply Chain Analytics
- Credits: 4; Prerequisites: BUSML 3380; ACCTMIS 2200, 2300; BUSOBA 2320, 2321 or STAT 3201/3202
- This course will equip students with the tools and skills necessary to recognize, analyze and solve significant problems in the operation of supple chain and logistics systems through the application of techniques using spreadsheet analysis, optimization and simulation.
Operations Research & Logistics
BUSOBA 4233 -- Information Systems in Operations Management
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: BUSOBA 3230; BUSOBA 2320, 2321 or STAT 3201/3202
- This course offers a study of the information systems and modeling tools used in operations management. Emphasis is spreadsheet and database applications.
BUSOBA 4250 -- Six Sigma Principles
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: BUSOBA 3230; BUSOBA 2320, 2321 or STAT 3201/3202
- Designed to familiarize students with the Six Sigma process improvement methodology and to provide them an opportunity to practice using Six Sigma Black Belt tools.
BUSOBA 4251 -- Six Sigma Projects
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: BUSOBA 4250
- Six Sigma Capstone Projects.
BUSOBA 4242--Business Sports Analytics
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: STAT 3202
- Analytical techniques and quantitative methods are on the rise in many areas of industry, and, of late, have made their foray into the sports realm. Skills such as critical thinking, mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, predictive analytics and optimization are crucial in the data-centric realm. The class seeks to develop and refine these skills in the business application area of sports.
Statistical Modeling
STAT 3301 -- Modeling for Discovery I
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: STAT 3202 and MATH 2568, or permission of instructor
- STAT 1430, BUSOBA 2320, and BUSOBA 2321 do not substitute for STAT 3202 for this course
- Statistical models for data analysis and discovery in big data settings, with primary focus on linear regression models. The challenges of building meaningful models from vast data are explored, and emphasis is placed on model building and the use of numerical and graphical diagnostics for assessing model fit. Interpretation and communication of the results of analyses is emphasized.
STAT 3302 -- Modeling for Discovery II
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: C- or above in STAT 3301, or permission of instructor
- Statistical models for data analysis and discovery in big-data settings. The regression methods developed in Stat 3301 are extended to data settings with binary and multi-category outcomes. An introduction to some of the most commonly used statistical methods for exploring and analyzing multivariate data is provided. Interpretation and communication of the results of analyses is emphasized.
STAT 3303 -- Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Making
- Credits: 3; Prerequisites: C- or above in STAT 3301, or permission of instructor
- Introduction to concepts and methods for making decisions in the presence of uncertainty. Topics include formulation of decision problems and quantification of their components; learning about unknown features of a decision problem based on data via Bayesian analysis; characterizing and finding optimal decisions. Techniques and computational methods for practical implementation are presented.
Following are the most frequently asked questions by students completing or considering the Business Analytics Minor.
How do I apply for the Business Analytics Minor?
There is no application process for the Business Analytics Minor. You should inform your college advisor of your intentions to complete the minor. In addition, you can discuss your interest in the Business Analytics Minor with the Undergraduate Programs and Advising Office at (614) 292-2715.
Who approves my Business Analytics Minor?
There is no formal approval process required by Fisher College of Business. As long as you have met the course requirements your college can approve your minor. An approved program form can be provided if your college requires it. You can obtain this from a Fisher undergraduate advisor. Call (614) 292-2715 for an appointment.
I am majoring/ intending to major in business. Can I use minor courses for major requirements?
No. Minor courses do not count toward any business requirement (other than free electives) or as prerequisites for further study in business.
Can I use Business Analytics Minor courses in my major?
Generally, no, unless your college specifically permits it. Please contact your college advisor for information.
Can I use Business Analytics Minor courses in another minor?
No. Each minor must contain at least 12 unique hours.
What grade do I need to earn for a course to count in the minor?
You must earn a C- or better for a course to be listed on the minor. You must earn a 2.00 cumulative point-hour ratio in your minor courses.
Can I take a minor course pass/non-pass?
No. Courses taken Pass/Non-Pass cannot count on the Business Analytics Minor.
What are the required courses for the Business Analytics Minor?
Three core courses totaling nine credit hours are required:
- BUSOBA 3331 -- Business Analytics: Data Management & Descriptive Analytics
- BUSOBA 3332 -- Business Analytics: Application of Predictive Analytics to Business Data
- BUSOBA 3333 -- Business Analytics: Prescriptive Analytics and Optimization
An additional six credit hours are required in elective courses. These elective courses are available in multiple areas, including the Business Analytics Industry Cluster, data mining, customer insights and analysis, operations research and logistics, and statistical modeling.
Do I have to take the minor courses in a specific order?
Yes. BUSOBA should be the first class to be taken (after the prerequisites), followed by 3332 and 3333. There may be an option to take both 3332 and 3333 at the same time.
What are the prerequisites for the Business Analytics Minor?
Prerequisites for BUSOBA 3331: ECON 2001.01 or equivalent; ECON 2002.02 or equivalent; and CSE 2111 or equivalent; Prerequisite or concurrent: MATH 1152 or equivalent;
Prerequisites for BUSOBA 3332/3333: ECON 2001.01 or equivalent; ECON 2002.01 or equivalent; CSE 2111 or equivalent; STAT 3202 or BUSOBA 2320 and BUSOBA 2321
Note: STAT 3201 and STAT 3202 will substitute for STAT 1430, BUSOBA 2320, and BUSOBA 2321 in the business major program.
Can I start taking minor courses before I complete the prerequisites?
Yes, you can apply to the Industry Clusters program and complete 3630.05 and 3632.05 before you complete your prerequisites for the base classes (3331, 3332 and 3333). You must be of junior standing before allowed in the Industry Immersion program.
Can I substitute a different business course for one of the required minor courses?
Can I apply transfer credit to fulfill minor courses?
A maximum of 3 hours of transfer credit for equivalent courses may count toward the minor.