Undergraduate Programs

Business Minor Curriculum Requirements

Students on computer

A student who completes the General Business Minor only needs to file their college's Minor Program Form with their college office. No approval from Fisher College of Business is required.

Before taking the minor courses, the following pre-requisite courses are required:

  • College algebra (Math 1130/1148 or equivalent or higher OR Math Placement Level M or higher)
  • Microeconomics (Econ 2001.01 or equivalent)
  • Basic computing (CS&E 1110 or higher)

In addition, the accounting course (ACCTMIS 2000) is prerequisite for the finance course (BUSFIN 3120).

The following 5 required courses must be completed to satisfy minor requirements. Any variations are generally not approved and must be approved by the Undergraduate Programs Petition Committee.

Required Business Minor Courses


The minor is not open to students majoring in business or intending to major in business. Minor courses do not count toward a business degree and do not serve as prerequisites for further study in business.

Additional Requirements

  • Courses used on the minor may not be used on the major.
  • No more than 6 hours of transfer credit may be applied to any minor.
  • No grade below a C- will be permitted in courses comprising the minor; the minimum overall CPHR of the minor shall be 2.00.
  • Courses taken on a Pass/Non-Pass basis may not be applied to the minor.

Contact the Undergraduate Programs Office

The entire staff at the Fisher College of Business is focused on supporting the success of our students, past, current and future. We are committed to answering any questions you may have.

Undergraduate Programs Office
Fisher College of Business
120 Schoenbaum Hall 
210 W. Woodruff Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210-1144