Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity
Fisher College of Business has a strong reputation for excellence and integrity - two important values the community is trusted to uphold and live by.
This reputation is shaped by students, like you, who realize the impact of your actions extend far beyond your time at Fisher. Personal integrity means doing the right thing no matter how hard that may be. Academic integrity is essential to everything we do at the university, is tied to the value of your degree, and who we are as an institution of higher education and college of business.
Academic integrity requires holding you responsible for the value of your education by adhering to Ohio State's Code of Student Conduct and the Fisher Honor Pledge:
As a member of the Fisher College of Business community, I am personally committed to the highest standards of ethical behavior. Honesty and integrity are the foundation from which I will measure my actions. I will hold myself, and my peers, accountable to adhere to these standards. As a leader in the classroom, community and business environment, I will pledge to live by these principles and celebrate those who share these ideals.