Rebecca Walker Reczek

Berry Chair of New Technologies in Marketing
Professor of Marketing
Marketing & Logistics


Rebecca Walker Reczek is the Berry Chair of New Technologies in Marketing and Professor of Marketing at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University and is the current President of the Society for Consumer Psychology.


Dr. Reczek received her Ph.D. in marketing from The University of Texas at Austin, and her research focuses on the area of consumer behavior. Specifically, her research has explored consumer lay theories and inference making, self-perceptions, and ethical decision making. Given her interest in consumer well-being, she has explored these theoretical interests in the substantive domains of food and health decision making and sustainability. Current projects continue to explore these areas, as well as consumer interactions with technology (including AI) and consumer response to promotions.


Dr. Reczek’s research has appeared in leading marketing journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of MarketingMarketing Science, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. She is currently serving as an Associate Editor at the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.


Dr. Reczek’s research has appeared in numerous national and international media outlets, including NPR, CNN, Harvard Business ReviewThe Washington Post, and The Atlantic. She has received multiple awards for her research, including the Early Career Award from the Society for Consumer Psychology, the annual Kinnear Award for the best article in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and the inaugural AMA-EBSCO Annual Award for Responsible Research in Marketing. She has also been recognized by the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) as both an MSI Young Scholar (recognizing leading early career researchers) and an MSI Scholar (recognizing leading mid-career researchers) and was a finalist for the annual Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award recognizing the article published in the Journal of Marketing that made the most significant contribution to marketing theory.


Dr. Reczek has taught in all of Fisher’s academic programs, including the undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. programs. She is also a recipient of the Fisher Pace Setters Faculty Research Award.


Areas of Expertise


  • Consumer Behavior

Sustainability/Corporate Responsibility


  • Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, 2006
  • B.S., Trinity University, 2000
  • B.A., Trinity University, 2000


Jin, Jianna, Jesse Walker, and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2024), “Avoiding Embarrassment Online: Response to and Inferences about Chatbots When Purchases Activate Self-Presentation Concerns,” in press at the Journal of Consumer Psychology.


Winterich, Karen Page, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Tamar Makov (2024), “How Lack of Knowledge on Emissions and Psychological Biases Deter Consumers from Taking Effective Action to Mitigate Climate Change,” in press at the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.


Polyviou, Mikaella, Johnny Rungtusanatham, Rebecca W. Reczek, Kevin Dooley, and A. Michael Knemeyer (2024),” Advancing OSCM Scientific Knowledge by Replicating Empirical Findings: Step-by-Step Procedure and Illustration for Transformative Replication Endeavors,” Decision Sciences, 55 (April), 136.


Costello, John P., Jesse Walker, and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2023), “Challenging the Conventional Wisdom behind Unconventional Brand Names,” in press at the Journal of Marketing.


Xu, Mengran, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Richard E. Petty (2023), “Need to Evaluate as a Predictor of Sharing and Seeking Online Recommendations,” in press at Marketing Letters.


Karen Page Winterich, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Bryan Bollinger (2023), “Reducing Emissions across the Consumption Cycle and an Agenda for Future Research on Consumers and Climate Change: Introduction to the Special Issue on Climate Change,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 8 (3), 237-242.


Morgan, Carter, Cait Lamberton, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Claudia Townsend (2023), “Friends Interrupted: How Reunions after Social Separation Motivate Physically Transformative Consumer Behavior,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 8 (April), 142-152.


Philipp-Muller, Aviva, John P. Costello, and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2023), “Get Your Science Out of Here: When Does Invoking Science in Marketing Consumer Products Backfire?” Journal of Consumer Research, 49 (February), 721-740.


Zane, Daniel M., Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Kelly L. Haws (2022), “Promoting Pi Day: Consumer Response to Special Day-Themed Sales Promotions,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32 (4), 652-663.


Tonietto, Gabriela N., Selin A. Malkoc, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Michael I. Norton (2021), “Viewing Leisure as Wasteful Undermines Enjoyment,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 97 (November).


Hogreve, Jens, Shashi Matta, Alex Hettich, and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2021), “How Do Social Norms Influence Parents’ Food Choices for Their Children? The Role of Social Comparison and Implicit Self-Theories,” Journal of Retailing, 97 (June), 173-190. 


Puntoni, Stefano, Rebecca Walker Reczek, Markus Giesler, and Simona Botti (2021), “Consumers and Artificial Intelligence: An Experiential Perspective,” Journal of Marketing, 85 (January), 131-51.


Goodman, Joseph K. and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2021), “Choosing What to Choose From: Consumers Prefer Inclusion over Exclusion when Constructing Consideration Sets,” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 34 (January), 85-98.


Costello, John P. and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2020), “Providers vs. Platforms: Marketing Communications in the Sharing Economy,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (June), 22-38.  


Zane, Daniel M., Robert W. Smith, and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2020), “The Meaning of Distraction: How Metacognitive Inferences from Distraction Affect Brand Attitudes,” Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (February), 974-994.


Grewal, Lauren, Jillian Hmurovic, Cait Lamberton, and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2019), “The Self-Perception Connection: Why Consumers Devalue Unattractive Produce,” Journal of Marketing, 83 (January), 89-107.


Polyviou, Mikaella, Johnny Rungtusanatham, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Michael Knemeyer (2018), “Supplier Non-retention Post Disruption: What Role Does Anger Play?,” Journal of Operations Management, 61 (July), 1-14.


Reczek, Rebecca Walker, Remi Trudel, and Katherine White (2018), “Focusing on the Forest or the Trees: How Abstract Versus Concrete Construal Level Predicts Responses to Eco-friendly Products,” Journal of Environmental Psychology, 57 (June), 87-98.


Reczek, Rebecca Walker, Julie R. Irwin, Daniel M. Zane, and Kristine R. Ehrich (2018), “That’s Not How I Remember It: Willfully Ignorant Memory for Ethical Product Attribute Information,” Journal of Consumer Research, 45 (June), 185-207.


Iyer, Easwar and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2017), “The Intersection of Sustainability, Marketing, and Public Policy: Introduction to the Special Section on Sustainability,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 36 (2), 246-254.


Winterich, Karen Page, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Julie R. Irwin (2017), “Keeping the Memory but Not the Possession: Memory Preservation Mitigates Identity Loss from Product Disposition,” Journal of Marketing, 81 (September), 104-120.


Haws, Kelly, L., Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Kevin Sample (2017), “Healthy Diets Make Empty Wallets: The Healthy = Expensive Intuition,” Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (April), 992-1007.


Sciandra, Michael R., Cait Lamberton, and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2017), “The Wisdom of Some: Do We Always Need High Consensus to Shape Consumer Behavior?,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 36 (Spring) 15-35.


Donnelly, Grant E., Cait Poynor Lamberton, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Michael I. Norton (2017), “Social Recycling Transforms Unwanted Goods into Happiness,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2 (1), 48-63.


Zane, Daniel M., Julie R. Irwin, and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2016), “Do Less Ethical Consumers Denigrate More Ethical Consumers? The Effect of Willful Ignorance on Judgments of Others,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26 (July), 337-349.


Summers, Christopher A., Robert W. Smith, and Rebecca Walker Reczek (2016), “An Audience of One: Behaviorally Targeted Ads as Implied Social Labels,” Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (June), 156-178.


Block, Lauren G., Punam A. Keller, Beth Vallen, Sara Williamson, Mia M. Birau, Amir Grinstein, Kelly L., Haws, Monica C. LaBarge, Cait Lamberton, Elizabeth S. Moore, Emily M. Moscato, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Andrea Heintz Tangari (2016), “The Squander Sequence: Understanding Food Waste at Each Stage of the Consumer Decision-Making Process,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 35 (2), 292-304.


Reczek, Rebecca Walker, Kelly L. Haws, and Christopher A. Summers (2014), “Lucky Loyalty: The Effect of Consumer Effort on Predictions of Randomly-Determined Marketing Outcomes,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (December), 1065-77.


Dyachenko, Tatiana, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Greg Allenby (2014), “Models of Sequential Evaluation in Best-Worst Choice Tasks,” Marketing Science, 33 (November-December), 828-48.


Haws, Kelly L., Karen Page Winterich, and Rebecca Walker Naylor (2014), “Seeing the World through GREEN-tinted Glasses: Green Consumption Values and Responses to Environmentally Friendly Products,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24 (July), 336-54.


Norton, David A., Cait Poynor Lamberton, and Rebecca Walker Naylor (2013), “The Devil You (Don’t) Know: Interpersonal Ambiguity and Inference Making in Competitive Contexts,” Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (August), 239-54.


Lamberton, Cait Poynor, Rebecca Walker Naylor, and Kelly L. Haws (2013), “Same Destination, Different Paths: The Effect of Observing Others’ Divergent Reasoning on Choice Confidence,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23 (1), 74-89.


Phipps, Marcus, Lucie K. Ozanne, Michael G. Luchs, Saroja Subrhmanyan, Sommer Kapitan, Jesse R. Caitlin, Roland Gau, Rebecca Walker Naylor, Randall L. Rose, Bonnie Simpson, and Todd Weaver (2013), “Understanding the Inherent Complexity of Sustainable Consumption: A Social Cognitive Framework,” Journal of Business Research, 66, 1227-34.


Naylor, Rebecca Walker, Cait Poynor Lamberton, and Patricia M. West (2012), “Beyond the ‘Like’ Button: Exploring the Effects of Mere Virtual Presence on Brand Evaluations and Purchase Intentions in Social Media Settings,” Journal of Marketing, 76 (November), 105-20.


Haws, Kelly L., Rebecca Walker Naylor, Robin A. Coulter, and William O. Bearden (2012), “Keeping It All without Being Buried Alive: Understanding Product Retention Tendency,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22 (April), 224-36.


Knemeyer, A. Michael and Rebecca Walker Naylor (2011),Using Behavioral Experiments to Expand our Horizons and Deepen our Understanding of Logistics and Supply Chain Decision Making,” Journal of Business Logistics, 32 (4), 296-302.


Irmak, Caglar, Rebecca Walker Naylor, and William O. Bearden (2011), “The Out-of-Region Bias: Distance Inferences based on Geographic Category Membership,” Marketing Letters, 22 (June), 181-96.


Naylor, Rebecca Walker, Cait Poynor Lamberton, and David A. Norton (2011), “Seeing Ourselves in Others: Reviewer Ambiguity, Egocentric Anchoring, and Persuasion,” Journal of Marketing Research, 48 (June), 617-31.


Luchs, Michael, Rebecca Walker Naylor, Julie R. Irwin, and Rajagopal Raghunathan (2010), “The Sustainability Liability: Potential Negative Effects of Ethicality on Product Preference,” Journal of Marketing, 74 (September), 18-31.


Naylor, Rebecca Walker, Courtney M. Droms, and Kelly L. Haws (2009), “Eating with a Purpose: Consumer Response to Functional Food Health Claims,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 28 (Fall), 221-33.


Bharadwaj, Neeraj, Rebecca Walker Naylor, and Frenkel ter Hofstede (2009), “Consumer Response to and Choice of Integrated and Customized Offerings,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26 (September), 216-27.


Irwin, Julie R. and Rebecca Walker Naylor (2009), “Ethical Decisions and Response Mode Compatibility: Weighting of Ethical Attributes in Consideration Sets Formed by Excluding Versus Including Product Alternatives,” Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (April), 234-46.


Naylor, Rebecca Walker (2007), “Nonverbal Cues-based First Impressions: Impression Formation Through Exposure to Static Images,” Marketing Letters, 18 (September), 165-79.


Raghunathan, Rajagopal, Rebecca Walker Naylor, and Wayne D. Hoyer (2006), “The 'Unhealthy = Tasty' Intuition and Its Effects on Taste Inferences, Enjoyment, and Choice of Food Products,” Journal of Marketing, 70 (October), 170-84.


Naylor, Rebecca Walker, Rajagopal Raghunathan, and Suresh Ramanathan (2006), “Promotions Spontaneously Induce a Positive Evaluative Response,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (July), 295-305.


BUSML 4201 - Consumer Behavior
Examines how and why people behave as consumers. Its goals are to provide an understanding of consumer behavior and to provide experience in the application of this knowledge to marketing management and social policy decision making. Prereq: 3250, AcctMIS 2200, 2300, BusOBA 2320, and 2321; and BusMHR 2291 or 2292.