Jon Quinn

Senior Lecturer (9M)
Director, Carrer & Industry Immersion Academy - Marketing
Faculty Director of the Consumer Packaged Goods Immersion Program
Faculty Sponsor, Amazon-Fisher Educational Alliance
Second Year Transformational Program Mentor (STEP)

Marketing & Logistics


Jon Quinn is a senior marketing executive with progressive leadership experience in both corporate and agency environments in brand management and marketing communications with an extensive marketing education and a unique combination of strategic, analytic and creative strengths. Jon’s areas of expertise include: brand strategy, new product development and introduction, consumer behavior, marketing research, integrated marketing communications and digital marketing. 

As the Director of the Consumer Packaged Goods Immersion Program, Jon regularly engages with leading CPG firms such as Nestlé, Proctor & Gamble, JM Smucker, Unilever, and many others. He created and co-teaches a career immersion style program with Amazon (BUSML 4258 eCommerce Digital Advertising). Jon is also the creator and host of Fisher's CareerEQ podcast that serves as a job search and early career navigation resource for business students. These activities have resulted in Jon receiving the Recognition Award for significant out-of-classroom contributions to enhance student learning and experience in the undergraduate and graduate programs, and/or significant service contributions to the department, college, and university.  

He has held senior roles at high-profile brands and organizations including Applebee’s, Huntington Bank, Bob Evans, YUM! Brands, Ketchum Communications and Foote, Cone & Belding. Before joining Kelley, Jon taught at various universities over the past 25 years including The Katz School of Business at The University of Pittsburgh, The Smeal School of Business at The Pennsylvania State University, The University of Dayton and Ohio University. Prior to joining Fisher, Jon was the Nestlé Faculty Fellow, Director of the Center for Brand Leadership, and Director of the Consumer Marketing Academy at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.

Jon earned his Master of Science in Marketing from The Pennsylvania State University, his MSIA (MBA) from Carnegie Mellon University, and his Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Pittsburgh.


  • Fisher's CareerEQ Podcast Host
  • Faculty Sponsor of the Amazon Education Alliance Program (BUSML 4258)
  • Faculty “STEP” Mentor (Second-year Transformational Experience Program)
  • Committee Member: Committee on Academic Misconduct
  • Committee Member: Non-Degree Executive Education Program
  • FisherFirst Faculty participant (supporting first-generation business students)

Areas of Expertise

  • Product Development
  • Services Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Branding
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Online/Offline Marketing Interaction
  • Strategy


MS in Marketing from The Smeal School of Business at The Pennsylvania State University

MS in Industrial Administration (MBA) at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University

BS Economics at the Katz School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh


BUSML 4203 - Marketing Strategy
This case course focuses on strategic planning examining how environmental factors affect long-term marketing strategies, how firms adapt to opportunities and threats in dynamic environments and how to assess development of competitive advantages. Prereq: 4201 (750), 4202 (758), and BusMHR 2292 (BusAdm 499.01), or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 752.
BUSML 3250 - Principles of Marketing
Presents the concepts, framework and tools of market-based management to deliver superior customer satisfaction, value and profitability. The focus of the course is on identifying, creating, delivering and measuring value creation. Prereq: Econ 2001.01 and 2002.01. Not open to students with credit for 3150 (650) or 450 or to students enrolled in UUSS, UExp or PreBSBA-PR.
BUSML 4258 - eCommerce Digital Advertising
Students will learn about retailer advertising networks such as those of Wal-Mart, Target, and Lowe's via Amazon's retail business platform including sponsored ads, display ads, OTT, and audio ads. They will apply this knowledge to a 'real-life' client project and deliver a recommendation presentation. Students will also complete analysis-based assignments and Amazon's certification in advertising. Prereq: 3250. Prereq or concur: 4232 or 4233.
BUSADM 3630.03 - Business Industry Cluster
Exploration of current interdisciplinary best business practices in industry. Students will work across business specializations to learn strategy and implementation details from current industry professionals. Prereq: Previous enrollment in 3630.03, or admission to Business Industry Cluster Program, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 505.03.
MBA 6253 - Marketing
Focuses on the interrelated elements of the marketing mix, its relationship with the other functional areas of management, and marketing responses to the external environment. Prereq: Enrollment in MBA program, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 840.
BUSADM 3632.03 - Business Industry Cluster Project Experience
Hands-on experience in the execution of industry business practices to fill a need articulated by an operating public or private organization. Prereq: Enrollment in Business Industry Cluster Program, or permission of instructor. Prereq or concur: 3630.03. Not open to students with credit for 506.03.