Kennia Papadakis

Senior Lecturer of Finance


Kennia Papadakis is a senior lecturer in the department of finance. Prior to becoming a Fisher College faculty member, Kennia worked at Emerson Electric Corp. in a variety of business groups and roles, ranging from logistics management, product engineering, development and marketing, strategic planning, financial and capital budgeting. Kennia brings more than 20 years of combined engineering and business management experience to Fisher and specializes in managerial corporate finance.

Areas of Expertise

Corporate Finance
Information Technology
Logistics/Supply Chain Management
Production/Operations Management


  • La Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela – BS Industrial Engineering
  • The Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business, Master in Business Administration


BUSFIN 6211 - Finance I
Covers topics of time value of money, concepts of risk and return, and investment criteria. Prereq: Enrollment in MAcc program. Not open to students with credit for 811.
BUSFIN 4219 - Advanced Corporate Finance
This course is a capstone undergraduate elective in the area of Corporate Finance. The course helps students bridge the gap between the theory of finance, covered in other courses, and the reality of decision-making as a financial manager through the use of real-world case studies. Students learn to analyze real-world problems and provide recommendations to a best course of action. Prereq: 4211, 4221, and BusMHR 2291 or 2292. Not open to students with credit for or currently enrolled in 4229 or 4239.
MBA 6284.01 - Career and Industry Immersion Academy: FIN I
The CIIA is a two-course introduction to career pathways in a specific industry. Prereq: Enrollment in full-time MBA program. This course is graded S/U.
MBA 6285.01 - Career and Industry Immersion Academy: FIN II
The CIIA is a two-course introduction to career pathways in a specific industry. Prereq: 6284.01. This course is graded S/U.