
Professor Makhija is professor of Management and Human Resources at the Fisher College of Business, specializing in international strategy issues.  One area of her research focuses on the institutional features of national environments that affect the structure of firms, the nature of competition and, ultimately, the behavior of managers. Another line of research examines industry globalization and its effect on the strategies of multinational firms competing in them. Her work covers firms and managers in different parts of the world, including Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia.  This research has appeared in such journals as Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science and a number of other journals. She has presented her research at top academic and professional meetings, conferences and universities, and teaches courses in international business, international strategy, and institutions.  

Areas of Expertise

  • Institutional Difference Across National Contexts
  • Controls and Knowledge Flows within Firms
  • Globalization
  • Strategies of Multinational Firms
  • Management of Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures


  • PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School of Business
  • MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • MBA, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • BA, University of Wisconsin-Madison


BUSMHR 4021 - Institutions of the International Business Environment
Major international institutions and the role they play in international business and commerce. Prereq: 2000.
BUSMHR 3000 - Advanced Topics in International Business
Advanced topics in international business including strategy, alliances, and exchange. Prereq: 2000, 2292, AcctMIS 2300, BusOBA 2320, and 2321. Not open to students with credit for 4010 or International Business Minor students.
BUSMHR 4998H - Honors Research
Special topics research in management and human resources; research evaluated through papers, thesis, and/or special examinations. Prereq: Honors standing, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is progress graded.
BUSMHR 2000 - Introduction to International Business
Basic coverage of world trade and investment problems, and introduction to multinational corporation strategies and the various types of environments in which they do business. Prereq: Econ 2002.01 (201), and Econ 2001.01 (200) or AEDEcon 2001 (200). Not open to students with credit for BusAdm 555. Not open to students enrolled in UUSS, UExp or PreBSBA-PR.
BUSMHR 4010 - International Business Strategies
This course highlights how firms make decisions to go abroad, select among foreign markets, and develop international strategies to enhance their profitability and long-term competitive advantage. It will also highlight economic and political risks of international business and discuss ways that firms can mitigate these risks. Prereq: 2000. Not open to students with credit for 3000, or International Business Major students.
BUSMHR 8020 - Seminar in Corporate Strategy & Theory of the Firm
This course is designed to expose doctoral students to a broad foundation in strategic management research, with an emphasis on corporate-level phenomena, and will offer an introduction to the range of research on strategic management, from the theoretical to the empirical, and from the classic to the current. Prereq: Enrollment in Fisher College of Business PhD program; or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 2 completions.
BUSMHR 8080 - Career Skills Workshop for Strategy and International Business
Socialize PhD Students to the profession and have successful careers as academics. The aim is for students to learn useful tools for their success in the program and beyond in their careers that other content-focused seminars may miss. Topics will include the process of conceptualizing and writing a research paper designated for a top-tier journal, teaching, networking, and grant writing, etc. Prereq: Enrollment in Fisher College of Business PhD program; or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U.