Mallipeddi named Gordon B. Davis Young Scholar Award recipient

Rakesh Mallipeddi, an assistant professor of operations and business analytics at Fisher, has been named a recipient of the prestigious Gordon B. Davis Young Scholar Award.
The honor, presented by the Information Systems Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), recognizes outstanding young scholars who have made significant contributions to the field of information systems and demonstrated exceptional potential for future impact.
Mallipeddi’s research interests are in the areas of social networks, technology management and social responsibility. He analyzes how firms can effectively leverage data to manage innovation and technology, improve their service and marketing operations, and attract customers to their products and services.
“I am deeply honored and truly humbled to receive the INFORMS Information Systems Society Gordon B. Davis Young Scholar Award,” said Mallipeddi, who earned an undergraduate engineering degree at Ohio State.
“This award would not be possible without the incredible support from my colleagues at Fisher College of Business and co-authors, whose collaboration and support have kept me motivated along the way. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the field.”
Mallipeddi’s research has been accepted for publication in Management Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management and MIS Quarterly. Mallipeddi serves on the editorial review boards at the Production and Operations Management and Decision Science Journal and currently serves as an elected vice president of communications for Production and Operations Management.
The Gordon B. Davis Young Scholar Award, named for the pioneering University of Minnesota professor and a leader in the early information systems discipline, highlights Mallipeddi's dedication to advancing knowledge and fostering positive change. In addition to his research achievements, he is also celebrated for his dedication to teaching and mentorship, inspiring and guiding the next generation of scholars and professionals.