Fisher represented at third-annual AUCA career fair in China

Echoing a broader university-wide commitment to enhancing career connections around the world, Fisher College of Business was represented at the third-annual American Universities’ China Association (AUCA) Career Fair, which was held in Shanghai during the summer of 2018.
The event provided representatives from Fisher an important up-close look at the student experience at Chinese career fairs and how they differ from ones in the U.S.
AUCA is a consortium of 14 U.S. universities including The Ohio State University, which is one of the consortium’s founding members. The AUCA Career Fair provides Chinese students who study at one of the member universities the opportunity to network with potential employers for internship and post-graduation employment opportunities.
Many Chinese firms, particularly multinational firms with operations in China, see numerous benefits in recruiting Chinese students who attend U.S. universities, said Jeff Rice, executive director of Fisher’s Office of Career Management.
“China has many fine universities; however, the Chinese students who study in the United States have a competitive edge over their peers because they gain a deeper understanding of U.S. business practices, stronger English language skills and enhanced culture awareness,” Rice said. “These skills are very appealing to multinational firms with operations in China as well as Chinese-based companies that conduct business in America and other English-speaking countries around the globe.”
Recruiters from 60 companies representing a broad range of industries attended the job fair, and several firms including PwC, KPMG, JPMorgan Chase, FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) and Unilever China already actively recruit Fisher students.
Fisher’s participation in the career fair, along with a post-event networking session attended by 50 alumni, current students and incoming students, was facilitated by The Ohio State University Office of International Affairs’ China Gateway and hosted by Fisher.
While abroad, Rice met with representatives from FCA; PwC SDC Shanghai, a service delivery center with operations in Shanghai, Bangalore, and Columbia, South Carolina; JPMorgan Chase; KPMG; and Unilever China. In addition to fostering relationships between the Office of Career Management and these corporate partners, the meetings allowed Rice to gain a better understanding of how the firms recruit and the time of year they typically schedule interviews to fill internship positions.
Rice sees Fisher continuing to have a presence at future AUCA career fairs. He’s optimistic about OCM’s continued partnership with the China Gateway as well as the internship and job prospects for Fisher students, adding that maintaining close relationships with companies that have China-based operations makes sense, given the continued importance of China as global powerhouse. This was the third trip to China by OCM representatives during the past two years, and future trips are already being planned.
“According to the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook, China’s GDP is projected to surpass the U.S. GDP as early as 2028,” Rice said. “For today’s college students, this will be at the beginning of their career trajectory, as they reach their early 30s.”
“By fostering these global relationships, we’re increasing the visibility of Fisher and Ohio State as well as increasing opportunities for today’s Fisher students and future alumni.”