Executive Education program working to build supplier diversity skills

Students listen intently to Executive Education speaker

A partnership between Fisher and the Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council (OMSDC) is providing minority business leaders with a key opportunity to establish and augment operational excellence programs within their firms.

The Supplier Diversity Executive Education Program (SDEE), available at Fisher, provides minority business enterprises with training, development and access to the latest academic research and thought leadership in operational excellence. The program is led by James Hill, chair of Fisher’s Department of Management Sciences and associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence at The Ohio State University.

A key facet of the SDEE program is the incorporation of actual challenges facing owners and senior executives of minority-owned companies. SDEE participants work with faculty from Fisher to identify solutions to these challenges all while learning how to become stronger suppliers to corporations through a curriculum that facilitates in-depth thinking about operational excellence and project readiness.