Working Professional MBA

Electives / Specializations

Campus buildings at Fisher and across Ohio State where students take classes

Personalized to your goals

Students in the Working Professional MBA program personalize the degree through elective coursework. You'll work with your academic advisor to select from a wide range of offerings or target a specialized area of study by selecting at least nine credit hours in one particular niche. It's up to you.

Exciting Fisher ElectivesAn animation showing the usage of the interactive MPMBA electives sheet

Download Fisher's sample electives sheet to see how you can personalize your MBA journey. Email us at to discuss some popular options our students choose to complete their MBA degree. Here are a few areas our students like to focus:

Interactive WPMBA electives sheet

Pursue Topics of Interest

  • Marketing
  • Data Analytics
  • Leadership
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Operations
  • Strategy
  • Finance
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Global Business
  • Nonprofit
  • Human Resources
  • or make it your own!

Choose some electives from across campus

Supplement business insights at Fisher with electives in other areas of interest. Working Professional MBA students can take up to eight of their graduate-level elective credits across The Ohio State University, one of the largest universities in the nation with more than 100 graduate programs. This added flexibility is an opportunity to gain/enhance skills that fit individual goals outside of business.

  • Choose courses that fit your goals and skill development needs
  • Electives available fall, spring and summer (21 of 48 required credit hours are electives)
  • Access classes inside and outside the business school including, but not limited to:
    • Moritz College of Law
    • College of Public Health
    • John Glenn College of Public Affairs

View the University graduate course catalog

How do specializations/tracks work

Specializations/tracks are not required for graduation in the Working Professional MBA program; however, students work with their academic advisor to take elective coursework that meets their goals. For example, a student looking to work in marketing may concentrate their elective credit primarily on marketing courses. A student looking to start their own business may seek a variety of courses in leadership, strategy, operations, marketing, finance, etc. The “a la carte” nature of the electives allows students, with the guidance of their academic advisor, to create an individualized experience for themselves. While specializations do not appear on your transcript or MBA diploma, they can be used to illustrate a broader knowledge of a specialized topic for those looking to change careers and show experience.

Specialization/Track Examples

Contact Us

Whether you are in the beginning stages of your program search or you have already decided that one of Fisher's graduate programs is the right fit for you, we encourage you to connect with us.  

Request More Information

Contact Fisher's Graduate Programs Office directly to schedule on-campus activities such as in-person meetings, class visits and campus tours. We will do our best to accommodate your request in-person or virtually within university guidelines - Safe and Healthy Buckeyes.