Office of Global Business
Summer Exchange

Student in France

Spend three to five weeks in the summer on the Summer Exchange Program at one of our partner universities in Strasbourg, France or Vallendar, Germany. Take your studies abroad and learn how business is conducted in the European region!

Application Deadline: SU24 - February 1, 2024 (Application Closed)

Applications will be received online and will be admitted on a first come first serve basis. 

 France Exchange Info & Application (On Hold)  Germany Exchange Info & Application

Please note that the information on the Summer Exchange Program on this page is subject to change. Meet with your Fisher Academic Advisors in advance, to understand how the exchange program may academically impact your business degrees.


Summer Strasbourg at Council of Europe


By going abroad on the Student Exchange Program, students are able to:

  • Part-take in a structured summer academic program abroad for a deeper country immersion at a host institution
  • Pay your current OSU tuition in summer, and study at the top business schools abroad in France or Germany 
  • Experience a new education system to enhance your global business knowledge and awareness as you earn OSU credits at the host institution.
  • Enjoy a structured academic experience to scope out one of your dream career locations, become global business ready, expand your global network, experience the next level of personal growth, or brush up your cultural and language skills. 

Notice: Please note that you may NOT contact or apply to the host institution until you have been accepted to the Student Exchange Program through the Fisher College of Business.

Summer Exchange: Steps After Admission

Global Option in Business

The Summer Student Exchange program fulfills the "Global Experience" requirement for the Global Option in Business, a university approved micro-credential program.

Other Education Abroad Resources