Global Business Expeditions

Global Business Expeditions (GBEs) are one or two week high intensity global programs offered to graduate students during spring break or May session.  Each program is designed and led by our faculty to integrate industry expertise with a global context via coursework, meetings and small-scale consulting projects with local and global companies, and cultural immersion.  

Getting Started

Fund Your Global Experience

Apply for grant awards ranging from $750 to $1,500 available for Fisher global programs!

Funding Options

GBE Blogs

Read about graduate students experiences abroad on Global Business Expeditions!

Read Blogs

Program Contact

Do you have some question on the programs below? Contact the coordinator!

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  • Brazil

    International HR Global Business Expedition
    March 8 - March 16, 2024

    Learn more
  • Ireland

    Global Business Expedition: Ireland
    March 10 - March 18, 2023

    Learn more

Contact Us

Alyssa Kyff

Program Manager

Office of Global Business
Mason Hall 222
250 W. Woodruff Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA