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Topics: Data Analytics
Elliot Bendoly headshot
May 7, 2024
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Bendoly recognized for top-10 research

Research co-authored by Operations and Business Analytics Professor Elliot Bendoly has been named one of the top-10 papers ever published by the journal Production and Operations Management.
Computer screenshot of software applications
August 9, 2023
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Research: Do free trials convert software shoppers into subscribers?

Since the pandemic, Software as a Service (SaaS) has become big business with companies like Microsoft and Adobe offering free trials to attract new subscribers. Research by Associate Professor of Marketing Alice Li explores the strategy behind free-trials and how companies can leverage them to convert consumers into subscribers.
Stock image of AI
July 6, 2023

The AI boom is full of copycats trying to ride a viral trend. That's not a bad business move.

How is copycatting within the AI boom different that other successful innovations? Successful imitators study their predecessors, understand the marketplace, and zig where the original company zagged, says Oded Shenkar, the Ford Motor Company Chair in Global Business Management. The rush to fund new AI ventures actually limits successful imitation.
What is 'ethical AI' and how can companies achieve it?
May 25, 2023
The Conversation

What is 'ethical AI' and how can companies achieve it?

Companies that want to avoid the harms of AI, such as bias or privacy violations, lack clear-cut guidelines on how to act responsibly.
Record-setting $110M gift will launch the Center for Software Innovation at Ohio State
February 16, 2023
The Ohio State University

Record-setting $110M gift will launch the Center for Software Innovation at Ohio State

A historic, $110 million gift from the Timashev Family Foundation to The Ohio State University will establish the Center for Software Innovation, which will bring together the College of Engineering, Fisher College of Business and other partners in creative new ways, including through the creation of endowed professorships, cutting-edge academic offerings and hands-on industry experience for students. 
Mandatory carbon reporting: Six ways companies can prepare
July 5, 2022
Network for Business Sustainability

Mandatory carbon reporting: Six ways companies can prepare

Carbon reporting is becoming mandatory for many companies. Christian Blanco, assistant professor of operations and business analytics, shares insights into how companies can prepare for disclosing their carbon emissions and policies.
Carbon reporting can help your business
June 13, 2022
Network for Business Sustainability

Carbon reporting can help your business

Carbon reporting isn’t a perfect system. But it can help you to lower climate-related financial risk, spur innovation and reduce emissions, writes Christian Blanco, assistant professor of operations and business analytics.
Stock image of a refugee camp
March 21, 2022
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Refugee crises: Examining and improving humanitarian assistance programs

As the war in Ukraine exacerbates the number of refugees displaced worldwide by military conflict, new research by Telesilla Kotsi, assistant professor of operations and business analytics, shines light on how humanitarian organizations can better understand the dynamics of in-kind vs. cash assistance for refugee populations.
Stock image of factories and shipping vessels emitting smoke
January 5, 2022
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Climate change disclosures driving awareness and action among companies and investors

What can we learn from companies’ climate change disclosures? A lot, actually. Research from Assistant Professor of Operations Christian Blanco reveals how companies’ understanding of their environmental impact has improved over the past 20 years.
AI in the board room
December 14, 2021
Real Vision Finance

AI in the board room

When it comes to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing, too many focus on the environmental and social, when often the governance can be even more impactful on the future of the company and the return on an investment. Isil Erel, the David A. Rismiller Chair in Finance at Fisher, discusses how governance is changing and how AI is affecting that change.
A black graphic with Ohio State's logo and white text that says FinTech @ Ohio State & Beyond
November 12, 2021
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Bringing fintech to the forefront at Ohio State

The future of business is in financial technology (fintech). See how Fisher and partners in the community and across the university are working together to establish Ohio State as a leader in fintech research, education and practice.
FinTech logo
October 20, 2021
The Ohio State University

FinTech @ Ohio State and Beyond conference takes place Oct. 27-28

Thanks to a generous gift from Fintech71, The Ohio State University will offer the first in a university-wide effort to boost the region's FinTech ecosystem through the FinTech @ Ohio State and Beyond conference. The virtual event will be held October 27-28.
Data graph on a computer
July 19, 2021
Max M. Fisher College of Business

Fisher announces renamed department focusing on operations and business analytics

The newly named Department of Operations and Business Analytics will build on Fisher’s pedigree of leadership in operations education while also embracing the study of data as an emerging and valuable tool for the next generation of business professionals. The new name replaces its predecessor, the Department of Management Sciences.
Machine learning could predict success of corporate directors
May 18, 2021
The Academic Times

Machine learning could predict success of corporate directors

A new machine-learning algorithm developed by Fisher's Isil Erel, the David A.
Is the business world ready for a chief data ethics officer?
July 13, 2020

Is the business world ready for a chief data ethics officer?

Dennis Hirsch, director of the Program on Data and Governance at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, and a fellow at The Risk Institute, researches data analytics, how it can pose ethical risks, and how leading companies are responding.
Stock image of computer code
June 9, 2020
Fisher College of Business

There's a Better Way Podcast: Data ethics

As part of the “There’s a Better Way” podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with Dennis Hirsch, professor at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, about the implications of poor corporate data ethics management for both the consumer and companies.
Using data analytics to make informed decisions during COVID-19
April 16, 2020
Fisher College of Business

Using data analytics to make informed decisions during COVID-19

How can we leverage data analytics to help us make informed decisions during this COVID-19 crisis?
Walmart shelves Jet black shopping service, cuts nearly 300 jobs
February 13, 2020
Talk Business & Politics

Walmart shelves Jet black shopping service, cuts nearly 300 jobs

Two and a half years since Walmart began testing Jet black, its white-glove concierge shopping service dubbed, the retail giant said it will end the service. Fisher's Annibal Sodero says data sets gleaned from a Jet black venture would be rich for a retailer like Walmart.
December 2, 2019
U.S. News & World Report

Decade in review: 'Big Tech' gains enormous power

The U.S. government has begun recognizing just how much power big tech companies have quietly amassed. “The law has not yet caught up with big data analytics and so mere compliance with the law is not sufficient to protect people in the big data era,” says Dennis Hirsch, a fellow at The Risk Institute. “Data ethics is about going beyond what the law requires in order to mitigate risks to individuals, and so to the company itself."
March 4, 2019

Can predictive analytics be made safe for humans?

Dennis Hirsch, a fellow at The Risk Institute, a professor of law and head of Ohio State's Program on Data and Governance, shared insights about the challenges posed by this new data economy.