Fisher Research and Insights Forefront
November 12, 2024
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Research: Immigration restrictions can hamper innovation
Centralizing global talent can drive innovation within a company or industry. But what happens when immigration restrictions prevent companies from bringing in highly skilled workers from abroad? Research by Assistant Professor of Management and Human Resources Deepak Nayak sheds light on the impact of immigration policies on companies’ knowledge growth and development.
September 6, 2024
Recycling Today
Recycling Today
Research from The Ohio State University examines how audits can improve curbside recycling.
New research from faculty at The Ohio State University Max M. Fisher College of Business examines the effectiveness of one tool that recycling companies, organizations and municipalities can use to limit contamination: curbside recycling audits.
August 8, 2024
Vehicles of the future: Ken Boyer on the tech that’s driving innovation, safety and sustainability
As part of Authority Magazine's series looking at innovation in automotive technology, Ken Boyer spoke about his look at electric vehicle automakers, suppliers and the entire ecosystem of the auto industry.
May 18, 2024
2024 Best 40-Under-40 MBA Professors: Telesilla Kotsi
Meet Telesilla Kotsi, assistant professor of operations and business analytics at Fisher, and learn why she was chosen as among Poets&Quants' Best 40-Under-40 Professors.
May 7, 2024
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Bendoly recognized for top-10 research
Research co-authored by Operations and Business Analytics Professor Elliot Bendoly has been named one of the top-10 papers ever published by the journal Production and Operations Management.
April 22, 2024
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Paper, plastics and penalties: How audits can improve curbside recycling
The success of curbside recycling programs relies on consumers knowing what is recyclable. But what's the best way to keep non-recyclables from contaminating the delicate recycling stream? New research from Fisher reveals that a combination of education and penalization is surprisingly effective at reducing household recycling contamination ― and doesn’t discourage overall participation.
November 8, 2023
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Gray named an OSCM Distinguished Scholar
John Gray, the Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Operations and Business Analytics, has been named one of two Distinguished Scholars by Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM), a division of the Academy of Management. Learn more about Gray's journey into academia and how he became the fourth Fisher faculty member to earn the recognition since 2003.
October 18, 2023
The Conversation
The Conversation
Nonprofits can become more resilient by spending more on fundraising and admin
Balancing administrative costs with direct benefit expenditures is a tightrope for many nonprofits. New insights from Telesilla Kotsi, assistant professor of operations and business analytics, turns conventional thinking on its head by showing how increased spending on overhead and fundraising can actually make an organization more effective and resilient.
June 3, 2022
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
Physicians on the move
Just as health care costs skyrocket, so too is the number of multi-siting physicians — doctors who practice at more than one hospital within a healthcare network. Research from Professor of Operations Aravind Chandrasekaran explores how multi-siting doctors impact ancillary healthcare costs, with their work revealing some interesting results.
February 8, 2022
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Research underscores the value of unified collaboration within health care
New research by Professor of Operations Aravind Chandrasekaran illustrates how collaboration within health care organizations can be measured — and how that collaboration can positively impact patient experience.
January 11, 2022
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Research: Peer mentors can help ease patients’ anxiety and improve their post-operative recovery
New research by Professor of Operations Aravind Chandrasekaran and his colleagues reveals the potential benefits that structured, formalized peer mentoring programs can have on patients’ post-operative recovery success.
July 19, 2021
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Fisher announces renamed department focusing on operations and business analytics
The newly named Department of Operations and Business Analytics will build on Fisher’s pedigree of leadership in operations education while also embracing the study of data as an emerging and valuable tool for the next generation of business professionals. The new name replaces its predecessor, the Department of Management Sciences.
October 22, 2020
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Research: Sustainability and its impact on process improvement
When organizations discuss ways they can improve internal processes, much of their initial focus centers on revamping existing protocols. While short-term results of these changes can lead to positive results, the true measure of success is whether the new processes yield positives in the long term and whether these improvements can be replicated and sustained over time.
August 24, 2020
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Meet Fisher's newest faculty members
Meet the researchers and thought leaders who have joined Fisher’s world-class faculty ahead of the 2020-21 academic year.
June 9, 2020
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
There's a Better Way Podcast: Data ethics
As part of the “There’s a Better Way” podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with Dennis Hirsch, professor at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, about the implications of poor corporate data ethics management for both the consumer and companies.
May 12, 2020
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
There's a Better Way Podcast: Collaborating with competitors
As part of the “There’s a Better Way” podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with Lynn Kelley, PhD and retired continuous improvement professional, who argues for the methods and effectiveness of turning competitors into collaborating teammates.
April 29, 2020
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
It is all about process and operations when it comes to reopening our economy
Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, in a Think Op-Ex piece, highlights the importance of process-driven approaches to safely reopening parts of the economy and other institutions following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
April 28, 2020
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
There's a Better Way Podcast: Airline Operations and COVID-19
As part of the “There’s a Better Way” podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with Jason Reeder (MBOE '19), a pilot, who explains how airline companies are adjusting to changes in demand and attempting to minimize the spread of the virus aboard aircrafts.
April 22, 2020
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
COVID-19: Supplies Just-in-Time or just too late?
Many failure modes have been attributed to the awful mess that has occurred across the U.S. in supplying frontline healthcare workers and other first responders with sufficient protective equipment. But are Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory practices to blame for the current situation? Peter Ward, the Richard M. Ross Chair in Management at Fisher, explains JIT strategies, their limitations and the importance of contingency planning in a Think Op-Ex piece.
April 15, 2020
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
There's a Better Way Podcast: Learned leadership
As part of the “There’s a Better Way” podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with Tim Judge, executive director of the Fisher Leadership Initiative, to discuss leadership knowledge in a world where we are looking in all the wrong places.
March 3, 2020
Lean Enterprise Institute names Peter Ward as its new chairman
The nonprofit Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI), a global leader in lean thinking and practice, announced the appointment of Peter Ward, a professor at Fisher College of Business who has developed graduate-level programs in lean management, as its chairman.
February 18, 2020
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
There's a Better Way Podcast: Healthcare through a business lens
As part of the “There’s a Better Way” podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with Dr. David Cohn, physician and chief medical officer at The James Cancer Center at The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, about best practices involved with designing, sustainable empathetical care. Cohn further explains how enrollment in Fisher's Executive MBA program is helping him understand how to build effective healthcare strategies.
February 5, 2020
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
There's a Better Way Podcast: Lessons from the football field
As part of the “There’s a Better Way” podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with former Ohio State and NFL football player, and recent MBOE graduate. Doss discusses his journey through sports, family, and education and places an emphasis on the importance of not only pressing on towards personal goals, but pushing others to pursue theirs as well.
January 29, 2020
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Can hospitals improve the delivery of care through better patient experience?
The proliferation of Offices of Patient Experience at some of the nation’s top facilities and leading healthcare networks is designed to improve delivery of care and patient outcomes. But do these offices actually improve patient experience? Are there certain conditions that make these offices more important in some hospital settings, and less so in others? Research by Fisher's Elliot Bendoly, Aravind Chandrasekaran and a colleague provide some answers.
January 21, 2020
Fisher College of Business
Fisher College of Business
There's a Better Way Podcast: Organizational wellness
As part of the “There’s a Better Way” podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with Dr. Bernadette Melnyk, vice president for health promotion, university chief wellness officer, and professor and dean of the College of Nursing at The Ohio State University, to discuss prioritizing health and wellness within an organization.