Work & Study Abroad

Fisher’s Office of Global Business offers the best opportunities for Fisher students to participate in an internship or study abroad program.
Additional resources are offered below.
The following links were organized to help you in your global job search. Refer to the categories below for links specific to a particular geographic region.
General Sources
Goinglobal career and employment resources include world-wide job openings, internship listings, industry profiles and country-specific career information.
More than 30,000 pages of constantly-updated content is included on topics such as: work permit/visa regulations, resume writing guidelines and examples, employment trends, salary ranges, networking groups, cultural/interviewing advice, corporate profiles and worldwide job listings... plus much more! Access Goinglobal by logging into FisherConnect.
Before You Go Abroad
1. Connect with Career Management and let us know your plans
- Let us know that you will be seeking a full-time job or internship while abroad
- Get an early start by developing a list of target companies
2. Create a professional Skype account
- Add Career Management to your contact list: fishercareermanagement
3. Become QUIC (Qualified Undergraduate Interview Candidate)
4. Conduct strategic networking ahead of time
- Search for job/internship postings on FisherConnect
Identify company branches near your study abroad location
- Set up “job-alert” notifications with
5. Seek pre-departure interviews
6. Update FisherConnect
- Upload your new cover letter, resume, and Skype name in the SAME document
- Do this right before you leave
While Abroad
1. Check FisherConnect regularly
- Look for new job/internship postings
- Check the status of jobs/internships for which you’ve submitted your resume for pre-screening
2. Be selected for an interview
- Contact Mark Wilson to set up a Skype
- Check the status of jobs/internships for which you’ve submitted your resume for pre-screening
3. Network!
- Make use of local career management office
- Network with local companies
- Create country specific resumes if applicable (for more info, check out Going Global)