Launched in 2021 with a competition between student groups, this event grew in 2022 and 2023 to include an afternoon session in which industry leaders present their company’s key ESG initiatives and OSU faculty and students present on research projects and classroom projects. For more information or to inquire about joining the partnership please contact Ken Boyer.
Prof. Erin McKie and PhD student Nikhil Sharma discuss research with attendees – May 5, 2023
Prof. Vince Castillo and Alissa Yakali (Honda), Stephan Schablinski (DHL Supply Chain) and Prof. Amrou Awaysheh (Indiana U) – May 5, 2023Ken Boyer (OSU) Jasmeet Kaur (Coca Cola) and Uzmah Ahmad (La-Z-Boy)– May 5, 2023
From Left to Right: Alissa Yakali, Honda; Elaine Darr, DHL; Amy Vernon, La-Z-Boy; Vince Castillo, Keely Croxton, Mike Knemeyer, Fisher OSU; Adam Schafer, Intel; Ken Boyer, Erin McKie, Annie Platten, Kelly Reo, Fisher OSU; Tameem Khizer, Coca Cola. -May 2022