Graduate Marketing Courses
The descriptions of graduate level Marketing courses can be found below. For information about the current semester's schedule of courses and sample syllabi, please consult the syllabus directory.
7000 Level
7201: Marketing Research Analysis
Exploration of issues related to data analysis for marketing decisions: costs/benefits of analysis in aggregate; difference between descriptive and structural models; complexities of imperfect information.
Prerequisites: MBA 6252 (840), or enrollment in the MAcc program. Not open to students with credit for 847.
7202: Consumer Behavior
Development of the consumer decision process and its application to marketing strategy decisions.
Prerequisites: 6250 or MBA 6250 (840), or enrollment in the MAcc program. Not open to students with credit for 854
7203.02: Advertising, Promotion, and Digital Marketing I
The advertising process, partnership with an ad agency, uncovering consumer insight to drive advertising strategy, formulating and guiding advertising strategy, media planning concepts, and measuring advertising effectiveness.
Prerequisites: 6250 or MBA 6250 (840), or enrollment in the MAcc program. Not open to students with credit for 846. Must be taken concurrently with BUSML 7208.02
7206: Brand Management
The course will cover the brand management process, strategic targeting, constructing compelling brand platforms, brand portfolio management, building and sustaining brand equity, brand equity metrics and strategic brand communications.
Prerequisites: 6250 or MBA 6250 (840), or enrollment in the MAcc program. Not open to students with credit for 852.
7208.02: Advertising, Promotion, and Digital Marketing II
Management of digital marketing assets in order to develop strategies and execute tactics associated with cross-channel marketing in the digital era.
Prerequisites: MBA 6250, 6252, or 6253. Concur: BusML 7203.02. Not open to students with credit for 7208.01 or 7208.
7212: Business Development: Client Acquisition & Retention
Explore the value process in business to business relationships, leading such relationships; facilitating alliances; leading customer solutions; understanding interfaces with other functions; and quantifying/measuring value.
Prerequisites:MBA 6252 (840), or enrollment in MAcc program.
7214: Cross Channel Marketing
Examines the unique challenges of bringing a service brand to life across multiple channels. Understanding the methods, processes and approaches to creating holistic experiences that resonate with the target audience is covered.
Prerequisites: MBA 6252 (840), or enrollment in MAcc program.
7217: Marketing Projects
Students work in teams as consultants, apply marketing concepts and principles to actual client problems, and present their recommendations to executives of their client organization.
Prerequisites: MBA 6252 (840). Not open to students with credit for 849.
7218: New Product Management
Strategies and tools for the development of successful new products. Emphasis is placed on opportunity identification, concept generation and testing, product design, and development and launch.
Prerequisites: MBA 6252 (840), or enrollment in the MAcc program.
7219: Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Analysis
Tools for the analysis of survey and marketplace data. Topics include the design of surveys, scale development, analysis of the recency, frequency and monetary value of transactions, web-based 'click-stream' data and others.
Prerequisites: 6250 or MBA 6250 (840), or enrollment in the MAcc program.
7225: Marketing Metrics
Marketing Metrics are critical for assessing the Return On Investment (ROI) of marketing actions and for making and justifying marketing mix decisions. This course is designed to a) identify key marketing metrics, b) illustrate how these metrics can be used in managerial decision-making, c) show the link between marketing and financial metrics, and d) teach skills to develop a marketing dashboard.
Prerequisites: MBA 6251 and 6252.