Additional Resources
There are over a dozen teaching assistants assigned to work with students in ACCTMIS 2000, 2200, and 2300. The teaching assistants offer free tutoring services to assist students in solving problems, answering questions, etc. The tutor room is located on the bottom floor of Fisher Hall near the tunnels and the mail room, in Fisher 011.
The tutor schedule is as follows:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tutoring is available on a walk-in basis, no appointments are necessary.
The tutoring schedule, including names, days, and hours, is additionally posted on the Carmen course site (click on ‘Content’ on the top navigation bar and then scroll down to the header labeled ‘tutor help sessions’). Any student who feels the tutors are not meeting their needs should contact the professor, who will work to identify the problem and assist in finding an appropriate alternative.
The department has put together useful information on this page to guide you in preparing and signing up for the CPA exam. Below are links that will provide additional resources:
Other Accounting Resources
Accounting Firms