Accounting Hall of Fame

The Accounting Hall of Fame was established at The Ohio State University in 1950 for the purpose of honoring accountants who have made or are making significant contributions to the advancement of accounting since the beginning of the 20th century.
While selection to the Hall of Fame is intended to honor the people so chosen, it is also intended to be a recognition of distinguished service contributions to the progress of accounting in any of its various fields. Evidence of such service includes contributions to accounting research and literature, significant service to professional accounting organizations, wide recognition as an authority in some field of accounting, advancement of accounting education, and public service. A member must have reached a position of eminence from which the nature of his or her contributions may be judged.
In 2017, OSU entered into an agreement with the American Accounting Association to transfer the home of the Hall of Fame to the AAA. OSU's Department of Accounting & MIS remains involved with the AHOF via non-voting membership on the board. The current OSU board representative is Professor Richard Young, Accounting Honors Program Director.
You can view more information about the AHOF at AAA's website