Blog Posts

There is so much noise surrounding continuous improvement roadmaps and how we should approach them. Why are there so many options? Which one is the best one to use and when? Is one problem-solving roadmap better than another? Why? What is the difference between all of them?

Getting the most out of an engineering or analytics project requires the thoughtful coordination of specifically targeted solution tactics. However, generating optimal returns from this process also, and more fundamentally, presumes that the right problem has been targeted. How do we increase the chances of getting that right, and of advancing on practical solutions to address the right problems?

As we consider today’s economic landscape, the need for lean leadership has never been more pronounced. In recent conversations with many of our member organizations, we’ve heard time and again of cost-cutting measures, far-reaching impacts of the pandemic, and ongoing hiring and restructuring challenges that have resulted in smaller workforces. Leaders are being challenged to do more with less.

Kelly Smith drew from her aviation experience to develop the Four Forces of Behavior model, which she presented at the 2023 COE Summit. During Kelly’s breakout session, participants were inspired to identify the forces of their own behavior in order to avoid professional landmines and achieve leadership goals. In this blog, Kelly addresses questions inspired by the stories and strategies shared in her Summit breakout session.

In the post-pandemic workplace, organizations are facing a flurry of changes. As the time available to implement change initiatives shrinks, key success factors for sustainable change are often cut based on the belief that they are an optional luxury or will slow things down. This can result in anxiety, confusion, low morale, and potential turnover of high performing employees.