Tags: Change management

The challenges that face us today require a different form of leadership. One that is more adaptable to the changing environment and circumstances. When leaders engage in this form of leadership, they will find that they can achieve their results in less time and sustain the efforts for longer. This concept comes from the research of Ronald Heifetz on adaptive leadership.

Our ability to change with intention requires well-informed awareness. This applies to change ranging from personal to organizational to societal. Intentionality requires us to pause, scan and be aware of the ecosystem surrounding us as individuals and collectives. The PESTLE Analysis tool is one of my favorites to leverage for a well-rounded pause and resulting analysis. It helps elevate the daily boots-on-the-ground experience to a more macro-level view of our current and emerging circumstances.

Change is hard…super hard. We often don’t talk about how likely it is that our change initiative will fail because we don’t want to jinx it. However, studies have put organizational change failure rates at over fifty percent. Just think about that…we’re more likely to fail than succeed. We have to break this failure cycle!

The new year is well underway, and the Center for Operational Excellence is looking forward to the connections to be made and the programming to be shared that will help your organizations build resilience and adaptability in 2024. We know that many of our member companies are experiencing organizational change stemming from leadership transitions, emerging technology, economic constraints, and a host of other factors.

In the post-pandemic workplace, organizations are facing a flurry of changes. As the time available to implement change initiatives shrinks, key success factors for sustainable change are often cut based on the belief that they are an optional luxury or will slow things down. This can result in anxiety, confusion, low morale, and potential turnover of high performing employees.