The Leader Success Series will spotlight the experiences and achievements of students and graduates from the Dean’s Leadership Academy, Ohio State alumni, and local leaders. This series aims to provide readers with valuable insights into leadership journeys, practical lessons, and personal growth stories that inspire and empower future leaders in our community. 

Tags: Leader Success Stories

Author Profile
An interview between Patrick Millerick and his mother, Jayne Millerick, highlights the importance of delegation, trust, and recognition in effective leadership.
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Combining decades of professional experience with a passion for inclusivity, Sharon Shaffer highlights the transformative impact of quiet leadership, empathy, and recognizing unspoken leaders in unexpected places.
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Coming up on her 4th year as an undergraduate Ohio State, Milan Oppewall shares her leadership journey through Women in Business.
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Change management is not limited to corporate governance; it can also be applied to a team, a student organization, or even to yourself.
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Every employee is critical to achieving the mission.