Author: Meng Li, PhD

May 11, 2018
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Many stereotypes about "Generation Me" exist -- but they might not be as true as we once thought.
April 18, 2018
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 Female Career Success: Past, Present, and FutureAlthough women have gradually reduced gender inequalities in various aspects of social and work life, such changes have been slowed down and stalled in recent years1, 2, 3. What is worse, researchers from the University of Maryland found with a set of longitudinal data that the gender earnings gap has been increasing and reaching the highest it has ever been (Figure 1).Other than the increasing wage gap, the number of female leaders in organizations hasn’t improved much in the past 20 years. According to data collected by U.S.
March 08, 2018
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Download a PDF version of this articleIn the once-popular NBC prime-time sitcom Friends, there is an episode where Rachel decides to take up smoking in an attempt to make inroads with her boss, because her colleague who takes smoke breaks gets more opportunities to talk with her boss, which ultimately leads to her suggestions being accepted over Rachel’s.