Author: Ashley Holloway
January 23, 2025
Adopting a leadership for innovation stance using change management principles can promote a more human-centric approach to leadership.
August 06, 2024
A healthy dose of hopeful optimism is a good thing. In fact, the Mayo Clinic (2023) promotes positive thinking, a precursor to optimism, as being good for your overall health and well-being. Positive thinking is also a key part of stress management. But what happens when the pendulum of positive thinking swings too far in the other direction?The many health benefits of positive thinking, such as living longer, lower rates of depression, better cardiovascular health, and a decreased risk of certain chronic illnesses, are well recorded (Mayo Clinic, 2023).
June 04, 2024
The line between making a judgment and judging can be blurry at times.
December 14, 2022
Distinguishing between what it means to be a kind leader over a nice leader is an important aspect of leadership and team building.
November 21, 2022
Avoiding failure has been ingrained in us our entire lives and is often maligned in society as a source of shame or embarrassment.