Blog Posts
The challenges that face us today require a different form of leadership. One that is more adaptable to the changing environment and circumstances. When leaders engage in this form of leadership, they will find that they can achieve their results in less time and sustain the efforts for longer. This concept comes from the research of Ronald Heifetz on adaptive leadership.
Why do some OpEx programs implode, collapse, lose steam, or head off in unintended directions with unpredictable consequences? And why does this happen despite the best, herculean efforts of the OpEx professional to keep the organization marching in the right direction? We can point the finger to a key ingredient in the OpEx mix: when an organization’s PEOPLE and CULTURE are not aligned with the organization’s strategy, direction, and pursuits, then success, if achieved, will occur purely by CHANCE. And that approach is simply not good enough.
In a world of change and technological innovations, it can be difficult to keep up with the consistent shifts in the corporate world. One of the most discussed changes is the emergence of Artificial Intelligence. The AI revolution has left businesses struggling to find how to implement this into their systems successfully and ethically.
The Center for Operational Excellence knows that continuous improvement starts with each of us, and we’re committed to empowering our members with the insights and tools they need to thrive. As we navigate stress and conflict in our professional and personal lives, it’s critically important that we develop the skills to be self-aware, understand our emotions, and build healthy relationships.
As the days grow longer and the pace of summer offers a chance to recharge, it’s the perfect time to grab a book and invest in your personal and professional development. Searching for your next great read?
The Center for Operational Excellence has turned to our recent speakers, board members, and trusted friends to present this COE Summer Reading List to our community of OpEx practitioners and problem solvers. Thoughtfully curated, this collection spans the critical themes of leadership, strategy, and continuous improvement.