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Katie Hackney, MS Katie Hackney is a director of the Beacon Hill Technologies Columbus branch. She was a pitcher on the Purdue University softball team from 2008-2012. Katie holds a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership and a master’s degree in technology leadership from Purdue University. ...
Mean what you say; say what you mean. The sentiment expressed in the title may seem a bit overly obvious, but it strikes home on a point that is absolutely critical to the success of a start-up — credibility.  Credibility is a cornerstone of success that one simply can’t underestimate the value of. ...
Key takeaways: Leaders have to use personal and organizational assets to be successful. Leaders should make sure that they are adding value above and beyond what individuals could achieve without them. One of the important things any new leader needs to understand is that leadership effectiveness is...
I’ve been asked several times recently if I believe that leaders are born or made. To some degree, I think this is somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophesy and depends on what we believe. I believe that leaders are made, but only insomuch as the aspiring leader is willing to learn and continually impr...
“Thanks for your input, but leadership is different outside of the Army. It’s much more difficult and people don’t just do what you tell them to do like in the Army.” I wish I had dollar for every time I have seen or heard a version of that statement. The U.S. Army is the greatest leadership factory...
Managers must get the results. This is true. But whose fault is it if they don’t?   If you’re in the right place at the right time, it is not difficult to make a lot of money and fuel yourself every quarter with compliments from the board. A sales manager in a growing-stage company tends to get bett...
Have you woken up in the middle of the night — worried about how an upcoming meeting will turn out? Talk yourself out of doing something that would be challenging but achievable? Or start worrying about how many ways a project could fail? You are not alone. At some point, everyone has negative thoug...
Bethany Klynn, PhD Bethany Klynn, PhD, is the president and owner of Insight Leadership Consulting. She has more than 20 years of experience in leadership development, coaching, team development, offsite facilitation and shaping organizational cultures. From C-suite executives to first-time people m...
Sunday night I spoke with a veteran player on the Los Angeles Rams football team. Of course, the Rams just won the Super Bowl last month, a great achievement. I’ve previously reflected on my own experience in winning a Super Bowl (albeit nineteen years ago).   The player and I were connected by a mu...
Several years back, I had a comment on one of my articles that I will never forget.  The reader said, “Being an employee of several different companies, I can honestly say that I’ve felt like nothing more than a line item on a spreadsheet somewhere that an accountant is desperately trying to elimina...