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I am always amazed and amused by how creative people are on April Fool’s Day. Some pranks are in fact the most inventive ideas I could ever imagined. Do you know that government of The Netherlands announced on April 1 st , 2019 that all trains and train stations would be closed at the end of April f...
Have you found yourself in a meeting thinking of all the things you could be doing instead of this meeting? Studies show that meetings can often be painful, tedious, unproductive, and costly: A Gallup study found that unproductive meetings cost U.S. businesses $37 billion annually.1 A MIT Sloan stud...
Key Takeaways Understand why strategic planning is important even in a pandemic Refresh on the benefits of engaging teams in strategy discussions Tips for what to get from discussions and how to apply it It is the 19 th month and counting for living in, and hopefully through, a pandemic in the Unite...
It was complete chaos and things were not looking good. We had made contact with the enemy and our team was in disarray. We had lost contact with two of our team members. Things were in dire straits and we had to get it turned around immediately. This sounds like a battlefield, but it was actually 3...
I get this question a lot, “What leadership advice would you give to new managers?” Honestly, being a new manager is exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran in a new role or a brand new leader,  everyone will be watching you. One of the most important things I have learned in more than 30 years ...
For decades, researchers have tried to figure out ways to sustain a team’s performance, satisfaction, and well-being for each member. Shawn Murphy’s book, Work Tribes: The Surprising Breakthrough Performance, Astonishing Results and Keeping Teams Together, seems to have found an essential key to thi...
Key Takeaways:  Leaders who include team members in the development of their jobs and management of their own performance provide a source of intrinsic motivation to them, enhancing their engagement and commitment to the organization. Coaching team members for self-management and accountability can ...
Good visions start with good dreams. Visions are important for organizations. A vision implies that the leader possesses and communicates a positive, compelling, and moving goal that followers can connect to group goals, motivating and inspiring followers to achieve excellence. 1 Visions provide foc...
Coach Urban Meyer describes it as ‘Solving the Mystery’; that sense of enlightenment and mastery when an athlete achieves true appreciation for their teammates. It is that critical point when athletes shed that self-centered, egotistical nature and start competing for their teammates as well as livi...
Anything less than the World Cup trophy would be a failure. That was the expectations laid upon the United States Women’s National Team (USWNT). The entire country — correction, the entire world — expected the USWNT to win the World Cup. The pressure to perform was substantial.  Every opponent was g...