Our Six Must-Read Leadership Articles of 2020

I’m sure all of us can agree that 2020 has been a tumultuous and challenging year — and one that has affected each of us very differently. From the persistent and devastating repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic to explosive social unrest, there has never been a louder cry for competent and effective leadership.

Below, I’ve highlighted six key leadership articles we published on Lead Read Today in 2020. If you missed these articles, I highly recommend reading them or sharing them with a colleague as we wrap up the year.

Coronavirus and Leadership in Times of Crisis: Why Don’t Leaders Learn from Others’ Success and Failure?

Competent and effective leaders are important during crisis management. To get the crisis under control, leaders need to look beyond themselves and their current jobs to seek connection/cooperation, set up clear channels of communication and step up to provide people with guidance and confidence.

The Danger of Burnout in the Workplace

Working from home is hard. As a leader, this is important to recognize — not only in yourself but your followers too.

From little in-person interaction with people other than our families, blurred work-home boundaries, increased workloads and frequent video conferences, more and more people are reporting symptoms of burnout.

Three Tools for Staying Connected While Working Remotely

It appears that remote work will continue to be a trend for some time. Proactively addressing how your team can best work together in this format is critical. Consider how you connect, how you work together and how you can have some fun.

How to Lead a Successful Remote Team: Virtual Meetings

Uncertainty during an in-person meeting? You can always pop in your teammate’s office and clarify. But in the case of virtual meetings, it can cost a lot of extra time and efforts to bridge gaps and fix misunderstandings. Therefore, in the time of mandatory remote work, it important for leaders to skillfully manage virtual meetings to run a successful team.

Police Violence Represents Decades of Failed Leadership

The disturbing videos keep coming. Over the past year, we’ve watched countless scenes of violence as officers have attacked peaceful protesters, elected officials and journalists. In far too many cities, protests against police brutality have been met with police brutality. We are facing a leadership crisis.

Steps to Take When Preparing Your Team to Return to Work

States across America and countries across the world are grappling with the effects of shutting down economies to prioritize the health and safety of their people. Although we do not know when life will return to a “new normal,” we can begin to prepare our teams and workplaces for an eventual return to in-person work.

Read our top leadership articles of 2019


Here at Lead Read Today, we endeavor to take an objective (rational, scientific) approach to analyzing leaders and leadership. All opinion pieces will be reviewed for appropriateness, and the opinions shared are solely of the author and not representative of The Ohio State University or any of its affiliates.