The importance of timing for leaders


For successful leaders, timing is everything.


Time, as we all know, is one of the few things that is certain in life (along with death and taxes). As leaders and managers, time is always of the essence. Our long days are often packed to the brim with meetings and project deadlines.

For the average leader, clock-time is the ruling factor in day-to-day time management and decision making1. However, a concept that is equally as important but often overlooked in our leadership/management process is timing.

Confused? Allow me to explain:

There are two classifications of time that need to be considered by leaders and managers: Chronos time (clock-time) and Kairos time (timing)1. Kairos time is the concept of knowing when to make the right decision at the right time.

Whereas Chronos is the concept of measured time, Kairos is about situational time. Leaders associated with higher abilities in Kairos time can be seen as opportunists. These leaders have sharp awareness and attention to the threats and opportunities that emerge within their environment. They then use their judgment and wisdom to respond accordingly and seize the benefits of a given situation.


Strategies to improve your use of timing (Kairos time)


One thing you can do is raise your level of awareness of “Kairos moments" through self-reflection. Think about some meaningful moments in your life over the past year (work-related or personal). How did you respond? What opportunities did you pass, explore or exploit? Self-reflection of these moments and past feelings can be a useful tool to help you know when to make the right decision at the right time.


1 Doing things right and doing the right things Time and timing in projects 


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