What’s Your Mindset? Everything!
Have you ever noticed that some people deal with changes, challenges and failures better than others? Carol Dweck, professor of psychology at Stanford University, would tell you that it is due to their “mindset.” I’m sure you’ve heard the term at some point before.
What is a mindset? It relates to the belief there are two types of people:
- Those that believe their talents can be improved and developed through hard work have what’s known as a “growth mindset.”
- Others believe that intelligence and talent are static, and each person has an inherent level of ability and cannot be developed. This is known as a “fixed mindset.”
Through Dweck’s research, she found and shared that these mindsets can be found in individuals, organizations, sports and parenting. Throughout the book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dweck shares her research and well-told examples to explain how an individual or organization can change from a fixed to a growth mindset.
Check out this graphic that will help illustrate the difference:
The big takeaway is that you have to first be self-aware. This means knowing not only your strengths, weaknesses and abilities, but you have to know that you are in a fixed mindset.
Secondly, you have to be willing to change and ready to learn new things that can help you improve at home, on the field or in the office.
This brief overview is a dipping of the toe into a much deeper exploration of this issue — which could have a significant daily impact on you and those around you. If you’re looking for a leadership-based book to read this fall, I certainly recommend giving this a try.
Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Random House.
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