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Today, our Fisher Leadership Initiative team is on a half-day strategic planning retreat to set our goals for the upcoming fiscal year. Over the past few months, we have applied principles from McChesney, Covey and Hurling’s bestselling book, The 4 Disciplines of Execution 1 , to our team. Particula...
What’s better for producing creative ideas or solutions within teams: competition or collaboration? The answer may surprise you. A study published in the Academy of Management examined the effects of competition within teams, collaboration within teams, motivation and creativity. [1] In my previous ...
The work-from-home norm created by the global pandemic has been redefining how people work and balance their domestic and work-related tasks. Working from home poses double challenges to dual-earner couples: They need to confront the challenges of handling isolated, disconnected remote work while em...
There are three primary pathways that science shows us can lead people trust their leader. Below we discuss the final two: (Click the hyperlink for  Part One .) Competence. Employees want to follow leaders who they believe are highly capable at their job.  Although it isn’t necessary to be the exper...
Key Findings The degree to which teams rely on virtual technology for completing tasks and communication (virtuality) affects the level of trust among team members. It appears that the higher levels of virtuality, the lower levels of trust. Low trust can be a cause of team conflict. We found that hi...
Influencing others is an essential component of leadership. Depending on the audience, the nature of the request, the context of the situation or the desired outcome, there are a variety of tactics managers use to influence their followers. Some are more simple and straightforward; others are more c...
Key takeaways: Unprecedented times call for vulnerable yet stable leadership. Let go of the helpless feelings by focusing on what you CAN do. Connect with you teams, family and friends on an all-new, deeper level. Being a leader of anything means that people will look to you for how to behave, respo...
Leaders can build trust and realize better results by fostering a culture of self-management Far from the laissez-fare approach it may sound like, self-managed teams rely on leader involvement for success Well over a year since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, all indications are that remote work...
Key Takeaways Some might be apprehensive about returning to the office after over a year of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic Leaders can promote an environment of psychological safety to provide a sense of wellbeing Leading others who are returning to the physical office after COVID-19 is no...
“No matter how good you think you are as a leader, my goodness, the people around you will have all kinds of ideas for how you can get better. So for me, the most fundamental thing about leadership is to have the humility to continue to get feedback and to try to get better – because your job is to ...