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When I’m asked if leadership skills can be learned , my answer is a quick “Of course!” I was deluded enough to think that I could somehow take at least one of my sporting endeavors (I played two sports in college, not initially realizing just how marginal an athlete I was) to the professional level....
In past issues of Lead Read Today , I have written about my research work on the use of apologies and their effectiveness in repairing trust. These are important parts of leadership. This week, I am going to analyze two recent apologies: NFL’s Commissioner Roger Goodell's apology to Colin Kaepernick...
  Female Career Success: Past, Present, and Future Change in gender earnings gap between 1961 to 2004 Although women have gradually reduced gender inequalities in various aspects of social and work life, such changes have been slowed down and stalled in recent years 1, 2, 3 . What is worse, research...