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We form solutions by better understanding problems Creative problem solving is often found in times of stress The world has felt upside down over the last month. With the COVID-19 virus being such a quandary and health professionals advising “social distancing,” many people have found work and other...
Key Takeaways To be a good boss, one needs important leadership skills. There are three major categories of leadership skills: self-leadership, relational skills and stewardship. It’s National Boss’s Day! This is a time for employees to show appreciation for their managers. The chances are not all e...
Do you find yourself leading or moderating conversations between individuals or groups? Perhaps you’re not in a formal or appointed role as “facilitator,” but instead a go-to person to provide advice and insight into next steps on a key project. In my work, I am asked to help groups — anyone from un...
Cynthia Turner, PhD Cynthia W. Turner joined the Department of Accounting and MIS in the autumn of 2013 as a senior lecturer of accounting. Cynthia comes to Fisher having served on the faculty of the Department of Accountancy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for more than 17 years w...
When you hear the term “design thinking,” do you picture a group of people at a research institute or lab — creating the next great technology product? Before reading Tim Brown’s book,  Change By Design , I did! Afterward, I now understand that design thinking is not just applicable to the think tan...
Now more than ever, in order to survive and thrive in this VUCA world (a world that is  V olatile,  U ncertain,  C omplex and  A mbiguous), we need a fast and continuous learning environment. I’m sure you can relate. But did you know the right people in your life can help you? Given these high learn...
When you think about a day in the life of a leader at work, it’s likely characterized by interacting with others. Whether jumping in and out of team meetings, supervising a subordinate’s work or providing feedback and support, leaders likely spend most of their day talking to other people. Because o...
It’s important for entrepreneurs to find the right sales model if they are going to be successful. We earlier identified some of the common ones in part one of this piece . But there’s more to learn. For products that are highly technical, have a long selling process or require an extended learning ...
One of the very first lessons any early-stage entrepreneur must learn is the art and science of raising capital. It is a never-ending process that is truly a major component of the lifeblood of any company. Regardless of how good a product might be, or how tremendously it solves an acknowledged prob...
Key Takeaways Much of the responsibility for advancing the circular economy has been directed towards firms, yet many reuse opportunities can only be achieved through environmentally compliant, household-level recycling behaviors. Fortunately, if leveraged correctly, curbside feedback mechanisms can...